For Mega Man X on Tuesday (March 9th), my sis and I decided to mainly focus on having X get his much needed power ups so that he can survive the last several battles. I went to the Sting Chameleon level and found a sub-boss that I had to defeat, and then when I did, a capsule appeared. So X got his body armor. I also went to the Armor Armadillo level and found a second Sub-Tank in a place I never checked out before, the part before the first rock-digging machine starts to dig. I wait until it leaves, then go behind where it was waiting before, and that's where I found that Sub-Tank. Then I handed the game to my sister, and she found a red life-energy that increases the max health. It was hard to get...but she used the boomerang cutter weapon to grab it from above. She went to the Spark Mandrill level to get the hard-to-reach sub-tank, and now currently, X has three Sub-Tanks to fill, which is great. Time-consuming, but great.
Then I decided, let's try to finish this game. X is much more powerful now with the armor, increase in health capacity, and the three Sub-Tanks.
To make the extremely long story short...after the ten or so boss battles, I finally reached Sigma, and I thought I defeated him, but then I didn't. There is Sigma Battle #2 still. [Heavy Sigh] My thumb was very tired from all the other battles and the repetetive jumping and charge shots and Sub-Tank replenishing, and I played long enough, so I had to stop. And you know what? I have to play all those bosses all over again! From the very beginning of the Sigma chapter (well, the Sigma level that is divided into several stages, anyway)!
To be continued...
To be continued...
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