Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A LOSS, BUT A GAIN, TOO…Mega Man X, March 12th

I guess I can call Mega Man X a “time suck.”  When my sis and I play the game, it’s on for around three and a half hours to four hours.  We love it.  But lately it’s been taking a lot of my time the last three times I got to it, because I really wanted to finish the game so I can move on to Mega Man X2.  That Sigma just doesn’t give X a chance.  And I keep trying and trying and trying again, and the furthest I’ve ever gotten to defeating Sigma in the final battle is one-fifth of his hit points.  It sucks.  The traps that are included in this battle don’t give X much of a window to escape.  The dash only helps a little bit. As a result of trying again so many times, it was definitely more than four hours, maybe it was six.  I’ve never played a video game for THAT long of a time.  I won’t do it again.

I played the Sigma level again, defeating all the bosses before I can even get to him again.  During the night’s playing session on MMX, I learned a few things.  That robot animal in the final stage of the Sigma level shoots fire half of the time.  The many times I tried fighting that thing, I haven’t used the ice weapon yet.  So I gave it a try, and that’s what it was weakest against.  Ice!!  Of course!!  Why didn’t I try it earlier?  Now I can defeat that thing with out needing to have X use up a Sub-Tank.  I don’t want X using any of the tanks until he gets to the final battle.

Then I get to Sigma.  Okay, so how does he fight?  He uses his light-saber of a sort, and jumps from side to side (or wall to wall, actually), and goes higher up each time.  That’s all he does most of the time.  I wait until he jumps five times, and then as he’s jumping away from X, I have X shoot an Electric Spark at him.  The E. Spark takes out two hit points from Sigma, which is fine by me cuz it’s better than just one at a time.  Several times I defeated Sigma in this part without having to use any of my tank yet.  It’s’ not so bad as long as I know what to do.

Then X is not out of the bubble yet. Sigma doesn’t die so easily.  There seems to be one more battle, and this battle is the most f***ing hard battle ever.  But…I have to be extra careful, just don’t let X get hurt by those bursts of electricity coming from the platforms’ tops and bottoms.  That hurts X the most.  Like I said, only one-fifth of Sigma’s hit points were down and that was the best try. 
     I’m not giving up.  I will just take a break, for my thumb’s sake, and get back to it soon, when I have the patience.

Is there a fourth Sub-Tank?  That would be nice.  But I have no idea where…


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