Warning…another long post.
I started playing Mega Man X at 8pm Friday. The first thing to do was to take out the Armor Armadillo (this was before I realized I can replay the levels without having to defeat the bosses again, having acquired their weapon powers ;] ) I also hoped to find Sigma (second thing) and destroy him, and begin MMX2 (third thing). Ah heh heh. Well, I did the first thing, but not the second thing and the third thing. Details below.
So the level wasn’t really difficult, and the song was one of my favorites in the game so far, aside from Zero’s theme growing on me. I defeated Armor Armadillo me using the Electric Spark first and then the, um, ice weapon. I lost a life and used up the Sub Tank in the process, but I got through it.
Zero: “Finally, we found Sigma’s Fortress! Let’s go and put an end to his war against humans.”
Me: “They’re both blinking! At different times! :3” And then the game takes me to the level-select screen and it shows Sigma. I said, “So that’s what Sigma looks like here? Yikes.”
Zero: “Let’s split up.”
Me: “Nooo, don’t split up, go togetherrrrr!!” (But I knew he had the right idea.)
The level was frustrating at first; there are these moving platforms that X has to jump on and up higher to the next one to go where he needs to, and then these flying enemies keep getting in his way. I learned on my own that the fire weapon gets those guys the fastest. Soon I reach where I’d think is the boss, and the Boba-Fett Guy appears. (I do NOT know his name, so for the time being, I am going to call him Bobafett-Guy because that is who he looks like.) Then Zero comes in too!! “Stay back X ,” he says. “I’ll take him on!” Yayyy, Zero helps out X again!!!! Zero and Bobafett Guy go to the next room. There is nothing else to do around here so I move on. As X advances on, he (and we) hear Zero’s charge shot and another attack sound. And then nothing. Not even music.
“Huh?....There was fighting…The music stopped. I’m scared….!” Sis says, “Me too!” Then we shout NOOOOO because Bobafett Guy has Zero in captivity, immobilized.
Bobafett Guy: “X, do what I tell you or he’s history.”
Zero: “Don’t listen to him, X, just blast him.”
Bobafett Guy line paraphrased: “My armored carrier is more powerful than your ancient weapon.”
Me: “Is that so, you booger?!” Maybe I was supposed to save my energy thing…
Zero jumps on Bobafett Guy’s armored carrier and charges a point-blank blast…..and that’s when he first becomes Zero the Martyr…>.< I kinda knew it was gonna happen based on some research I did before buying the series.
I fought the Bobafett Guy with the newly acquired Rolling Shield attack, which was the strongest power against him. After that, my sister and I have both tried to get passed this level so many times, losing extra lives and weapon energy. Unhappy thumbs :( . And when we thought that we’d reach Sigma for sure, it was Boomer Kuwanger who made the appearance instead. Do you mean to tell me that I HAVE TO FIGHT ALL THE BOSSES AGAIN????
I hope not. They had better give me extra weapon energy, then.
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