Saturday, April 3, 2010

A plan for Mega Man X…

So I’ve got this plan. In the final battle against Sigma in MMX, I have to be extremely careful, but at the time I tried it, being careful was just not enough. Since then, I had X acquire another health cap item in the underwater stage. That means that it is a little more possible that I can perhaps beat Sigma’s second battle. I don’t know if there is a fourth Sub-Tank, let alone another piece of armor, maybe for his mega head. But I think I am ready to tackle that long, dragging final stage again.

     So now here’s the plan: When X is trapped between two of Sigma “B”’s weapons (for instance the giant flame torch and the deadly electric pillars coming from the two platforms), I need to pause the game and get X into his Rolling Shield weapon so when he IS trapped between two different attacks, I charge up so he is in a blue shield. This way, if he gets hit twice, he’ll only get hurt once. The best way to fight Sigma B is to use Zero’s buster upgrade and charge it to its fullest, jump on the platform when it’s safe, and hit Sigma on the head. This has to be done quickly because the platform shoots electricity upward which takes half a life gauge out of X. If it is done nearly perfectly every time, it will be possible for me to finish Mega Man X without finding another armor or tank.

If anyone else is discovering the Mega Man X series also, I hope my tips help. I’m not a Mega Man expert, but I learn every time I play.    :)

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