Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting DISSIDIA FF Dec. 30

On Wednesday night (December 30th) I wanted to start playing Dissidia Final Fantasy, but there were a few things I had to do on my PSP before even playing.  It was around 8:30pm and I put the UMD in, and the unit indicated that there was a version 5.50 update for the PSP in the game.  I figured I should probably take care of that first before playing, so I chose to update since my PSP's software was version 4.21.  I read the liscensing info and all that and agreed to the terms and all that.  Then I started the update, which took about five minutes.  Okay, good...and then my PSP restarted automatically.  The purple background on the screen changed into a nice vivid purple with a pinkish-lavander color on the bottom half of the screen, and I was surprised and pleased about this improvement.  I liked the way the purple color was before, but I really like this new one.  I wonder how other gamers reacted when they updated their own units.  I'd rather use the update on the UMD becasue my PSP doesn't have internet access  yet, so this is actually my only option whenever I have to update the software.
    So then, okay, now I can start playing.  But I remembered that I wanted to do the Data Install before I started a new game.  So I chose that option, and then it gave me a choice of how much megabytes I wanted to install in my Memory Stick Pro Duo.  I chose the middle number, and then it said that the process might take up to an hour.  "Using an AC adaptor is strongly recommended."  Well I thought to myself I just fully charged my unit, so there shouldn't be any problem with the battery running out.  It took me five minutes to decide, and then I went ahead and started the Data Install withoug using the ac adaptor, and it turned out fine.  It took roughly 30 minutes and 15% of the battery power, but then by 9:50pm I was ready to start a new game...
     I wanted my nickname to be "Cloud'sChocobo" but there wasn't enough room for that many letters in the name.  So I went with "VioletMage01," because I like purple and if I had to be a Final Fantasy character I'd be a mage.  Bonus Day...Tuesday?  I dunno.  Casual or Average gamer?  [Sigh...] Casual for now.  I would choose Average but how do I know how often I'll play this game when I've got other games I juggle with?
     This post is getting too long already, so I'll finish it by saying I finished the Prologue and then played several Quick Battles as Zidane and then Cloud.  I lost a lot of battles because my fingers were tired and I got sloppy.  Plus Squall is mean =P.

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