Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dissidia Final Fantasy, Jan. 3rd

On Sunday night January 3rd I played Dissidia Final Fantasy only for a little while.  As I said last time I wanted to play Quick Battles as Zidane after I returned to Crisis Core, but the Tonnberry mission took so long that I decided I played enough.
     I played plenty of Quick Battles and leveled up the characters.  I am getting a little better at activating the characters' EX Modes.  I have to keep gathering all those little white dots and the bells with the wings; that is what the EX Force and EX Cores are.   I learned that whenever the screen says "EX Core in play"  I try to get to it.  Unfortunately this made me hate Squall (in other words get mad at him) because before I could reach the EX Core, he often got it before me and I shout "No, you motherf*****!"  And an occasional "Godd****t!" here and there.  Really, Squall is not a bad guy, he's just fast.
     Zidane's EX Mode form  How Square Enix gets away with it is beyond me.  Terra's Esper form too.  I thought the rating on the back of the box said "Partial Nudity"???
     I played an Arcade Mode game as Zidane and got 300PP in the Arcade Mode.  Sephiroth was the my fourth opponent, and he is soooo hard to fight.  In fact I had to rematch because he wouldn't give Zidane a break!  EX Death was my fifth opponent and he was really difficult too, but Zidane didn't lose to him.  Hah, it's easy now, but it's gonna get more difficult the more I play this game and the more I play through the story.  It's too bad I can't level up characters in Arcade Mode.  But I had a lot of fun.  Next time I get to the game I will move on in the story mode.
      I also played as Cloud several times in the Quick Battles...the Onion Knight in one, and Firion in another (I won and his cape was flowing in the breeze during the victory pose).  Firion is angry, he needs victories to make him smile ^_^

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