7:26pm on Thursday, I played Dissidia Final Fantasy again because it was my Bonus GIL day, so I wanted to get some more munnies. I played some Quick Battles with Firion to level him up. I played as him in his Alternate form, with his hair up, so that was neat. And he sounds like Ichigo from Bleach. That's Johnny Yong Bosch, the voice actor. "I have to get stronger, still!" Yep, that sounds like Ichigo. '__' I played as Firion in an Arcade Mode as well, against Cecil, then Zidane, then himself. Then the fourth opponent was Sephiroth. Gosh, uh-gain!!! But for the first time in like ever, I won the first battle against him! Yay! And it helps that Firion fights with long-range weapons like bow and eros...I mean, bow and arrows. Yikes ^.^;; Anyway, fighting Sephiroth at close range is a bad idea, because he's a fierce fighter. Finally, Firion fought The Emperor from FFII. Makes sense, since The Emperor is the main villain of the FFII game.
To cool off, I did some Quick Battles with Warrior of Light to level him up to level 13. It's not enough; the Cloud of Darkness is level 19 in I-4, so WOL needs to be at least level 15. Zidane is now level 9. Cloud is level 5. Sorry, Cloud, you're still my fave <3
9:25pm I finished my session with Dissidia Final Fantasy. It was less frustrating since it was just accumilating GIL and leveling up characters without DP worries. Shweet. Saturday is my Bonus PP day, so I 'm charging the portable unit for that.
When playing as Zidane in Quick Battles, I always seem to choose Tidus as my opponent. Huh. I wonder why.
The lamest line (and funniest in my opinion) for Zidane after he wins: "Easy-peasy!" '__'???
Favorite winning line from Zidane: "Yup! That's how you do it." ^,^
Favorite winning line from Cloud: "My reality...is mine alone." ^,^
Vladimir Vykos
Commissioned Vampire: the Masquerade Character Portrait This was a surprise
gift commission from one player to another which made it a challenge. Vlad
is a...
4 weeks ago
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