Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crisis Core level up session, Jan. 15

On Friday 6:30pm I played a level-up session for Zack in Crisis Core: FFVII.  I played for roughly an hour and ten minutes.  Zack is level 40 now, with Cloud's help from the DMW ^.^. I did a Materia Fusion with the Thundara and Poison materia and created the Dark Thundara + 20% MP.  I equipped it already.  The Thundaga is very powerful now, but I wanted to use status ailments on my enemies so Dark Thundara will be very helpful with that, plus Zack can use more MP.  I also equipped Zack with Osmose materia so he can steal MP from enemies and use his most powerful magic attacks on those sonsabitches if need be.  I have plenty of Poison and Thunder materia ready for any Materia Fusions coming up soon.

     Forgive me for only spending time with Crisis Core and Dissidia lately.  These games (full of Square-Enix goodness, mind you) have been dominating my gaming time, probably because of the convinience of the PSP and being able to play it in any room rather than only in the den.  The next time I get to Crisis Core, I need to move on, because the game has been out now and I want to be able to talk about the events in the game with my friends without getting myself spoiled.  I mean, I know how the game is going to turn out (also what happens to Zack) but I want to see the events for myself.  I am considering joining the forums in The because I want to talk about Final Fantasy VII-related stuff with other fans who are so crazy about it like me...o.0.  Uh...yeah.

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