Saturday, January 30, 2010

Crisis Core: FFVII on Jan. 30th-31st...Part 1

After another 2 weeks, I returned to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.  This time though, I finally resumed the story.  Back in December I left off at the point where Zack is running to the Nibelheim Reactor to get to Sephiroth.  He had burned down the town, and Zack is mad.  That time, the battery power was low and within the half hour I was able to find a save point and stop the game.
     So,  my PSP's battery was fully charged last night. I wanted to play at 10pm, but my calico cat Kallie wanted my lap.  I call it her "Kallie Time."  I was nice to her and switched my PSP to sleep mode to give her my lap.  While on my lap, she burped. It was the first time I heard a cat burp.  And no excuse me, LOL.
     Anyway, finally at 10:30pm I warmed up with a couple of Easy side missions for Zack.  Didn't level up, but it's okay.  Then I went into the Nibelheim Reactor, and Zack found Tifa, and then went into the Jenova room.  Gosh, I've never seen Sephiroth so happy before...or is the word "nutty?"  The expression on his face was so unlike him...he never smiled like that ever, not earlier in the game, not in FFVII: AC either.  So it was just weird.
     "Mummyyyyyyyyyy," Sephiroth must be thinking o.0
     So at around 11pm, Zack had to fight against Sephiroth.  Sephiroth had over 46,000 HP for this one battle, and 9,999 MP, it's too much!  I could tell it was going to be an interesting battle, so I recorded myself playing it the first time around.  I was equipped with Blizzaga, Cura, Barrier, Libra, Osmose, and Poison Twist materia.  So here are a lot of my exclamations; they can get funny:

  • "You get Blizzaga too!" (Sephiroth hit me with the spell, so I give him one back.)
  • "What do those crystals (gems) do anyway?  I think they're like tokens (like in Yu-Gi-Oh!) and act as a shield."
  • "No you don't!  Ow.  I didn't guard myself agsinst his Cross Slash.  Guard!  Good boy."
  • "Ha ha!  Null physical, there ya go!  Poison Twister attack!!"
  • "Whoa!  How did he get behind me? ... He turned around again!  He's gettin' desperate..."
  • "None of the slot things (the DMW) has helped me yet.......Owwwwwah! (Zack got hit)"
  • "Oh, look who it is, it's Sephiroth on the Deeeeeee, MW....Ah, it's my turn to do the Octoslash.  Taste of your own medicine, buddy!"
  • "Nooo!  Now it's Sephiroth's turn to do the Octoslash! .........He's all like floating o.0..."
  • "I can't even get behind him!  What is he doing... OOOOOOoooooahh (long gasp), I have only one hit point left, whatever he did!"
  • "Sephiroth again, DMW...[laughs after watching the memory of Zack with Sephorith, "Your opponent was too weak.  Try another."
  • "No, the Heartless Angel!  That's what he did!! It's the Heartless Angel that took Zack's HP down to 1 (from +4300HP ; Cura saves my ass so many times), so that he can have the pleasure of finishing me off physically (in other, more appropriate words, finish me with a physical attack)."
  • "Cissnei, go go go go!  Yay!  Lucky Stars Lv. 1, That's good enough for me!........Critical hits the rest of the battle!"
  • "I can kinda tell when he's going to attack.  Just like that, when he like kinda...okay like DUCK, or something!......RUUUUUUUNNah!"
  • Aww, puppy Zack (DMW memory trigger).....And Genesis saves the day!"  (As Zack does his Apocolypse limit attack, I say, "Take that, Sephiroth!  You and your shampooed hair are done!"
So I (uh, Zack ^,^;;) won the battle against Sephiroth.  However, that wasn't all of it.  It continued into another separate battle, in which Mr. SilverHair had 31,000 more HP.
     I had to divide this post into two parts.   So this is part 1.

Part 2 is next...

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