Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dissidia FF, again, Jan 26

At 3:40pm Tuesday, I played Dissidia Final Fantasy again because it was my Bonus Day, Tuesdays.  I leveled up Warrior of Light, Zidane and Cloud.  After that, I returned to Destiny Odyssey I-4.
  5:25pm  I finished playing for the day.  For the levels of my favorite characters so far, Firion is still at level 8; WOL is level 19, Cloud is level 7, Zidane is level 13 now.  I started playing as Bartz in the Quick Battles.  I played as Zidane in his Alternate form, and then his fur in EX Mode is silver.  I actually prefer his blue outfit instead of the darker one cuz it's more colorful.  Heehee, adorable Zidane :)
    In Story ModeI left off at Destiny Odyssey I-5.  I finally beat the Counterfit Wraith (fake Cloud of Darkness) because WOL was at an appropriate level 16 before heading there.  Yes!!  Then I started the boss battle with only 230 or so hit points left.  Jeez, I suck at protecting WOL :(  but after a few more tries and using his long-range HP attack (being a coward and hiding behind a wall in order to do it--THAT saved my ass), I beat tge boss and finished playing that part of the story.  Then in I-5 I did the first two battles, but then I stopped level progression there, and that's okay cuz I keep the EXP that I already got.
   I really want to unlock Kuja, but I have to finish a Destiny Odyssey first.

   The next time I get to the PSP again it will have to be Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII because I want to finish it before I get too crazy with DissidiaDissisia is a big time suck, but I have lots of fun with it. ^.^
     Other games I should get back to (Ya know...the console games) :D : 
  • Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
  • NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • Jak 3 (replay :] )
  • Final Fantasy VII (uh-huh...I still want to finish it)
  • Final Fantasy XII (uh huh...that one too.  I want to learn more about Balthier, is that wrong?)

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