It was my Bonus PP day in Dissidia, so I wanted to play Arcade Mode with Warrior of Light and do some Quick Battles.
As WOL in Arcade Mode, Zidane was my first opponent (NOOOO!! WHYYY?!!) My second opponent was Squall, and then next was Terra. My fouth opponent was Kefka...I lost the first battle. I won the second battle against him. My fifth opponent was EXDeath. He's not that tough for me. He has a funny laugh whenever he avoids my attacks.
Next were the Quick Battles. I played as WOL versus Cecil (I say Take that, Sasuke!! Because he sounds like Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto. Yuri Lowenthal is the voice actor.) I fought aganst him a few times. Next I had WOL fight against Squall, and then against Bartz. He leveled up to level 14. For my next round of Quick Battles, I played as Firion in his Alternate Mode again :) His attacks are so fun! I had him fight against Tidus. Uh-gain. Then finally, I wanted to level up Cloud Strife, so for the next half hour I played as Cloud in the Quick Battles. I had him fights against Cecil, Tidus, Bartz. Cloud is level 6 (he was actually level 3 last time I played, my bad ^.^;;) I realize that the higher the level a character is, the more gil you earn for that battle.
I changed my Play Plan from Casual to Average because now I play more than 15 battles each time now. It has to be at least 50. Whoa, that's too much, isn't it? Or not. Haven't been counting. Heh. o.0
"The light will always shine..!"
I really should try fighting as Terra, get some girl power going on here.
So the levels of my characters are: Zidane is level 10 ; WOL level 14; Firion is level 8. Cloud is level 6. That does NOT mean he's my least favorite.
Bonus Day next. ^,^
Vladimir Vykos
Commissioned Vampire: the Masquerade Character Portrait This was a surprise
gift commission from one player to another which made it a challenge. Vlad
is a...
4 weeks ago
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