Sunday, January 31, 2010

Crisis Core on Jan. 30th-31st, Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the post "Crisis Core on January 30th-31st."  ^,^ <3
The second part of the battle against Sephiroth is about to begin. The screen says "If you are driven to the edge, the game is over."
  • "The fight with Sephiroth is not quite finished, so I'll see how it goes.  Oh, and 'One-Winged Angel' is playing, too."
  • "31,000 HP now!!"
  • "Ha ha, you didn't get me!.....How did my DMW go back to normal??"
  • "At least he doesn't have to get behind me anymore.......Take that!.......Nooo!... He was getting me with the 'Angel' attack again."
  • "Oh, I...I see what's happening!  I have to finish him before he knocks me off the edge.....[gasp!]  NO YOU DON'T, NO YOU DON'T!!" (Sephiroth does his Octoslash attack, and then Zack falls back to the floor).  "Aw that didn't hurt me much."
  • "[gasp] NOO! (Must've been his Heartless Angel spell again  ):< ........Tseng, please help me out here!  (Then Blizzaga levels up.)
  • (Watches the scene--------Tseng: "Is this the end?"  Zack: "I'm trying, I'm trying!!"  And then I say "I'm really trying heah!"   Tseng attacks Sephiroth and then I say "Yeah, like Sephiroth is in the middle of a desert!"
  • (Another Heartless Angel attack) NOOOOoooo! (At least the Cura spell works) "That f***ing saved my life."
  • "Oh no, please!........IdontthinkImgonnamakethis........I don't think I'm gonna make this round...Oh no, I did NOT make it."  Zack screams as he falls to his death, and I said "NOOOooo."
  • Sephroth is like "I did what I had to do" (and then he walks the same way that he does in the fire)
  • In a sad voice: "Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII.  It doesn't say Game Over, it just says the title.  I think I have to fight from the beginning of Sephiroth's battle!"  [fake sob]
  • "That look that Sephiroth gives Zack before this second part of the fight says: 'I'm going to enjoy this.'"
So, all of that (plus the ones in Part 1) was what I recorded with my voice recorder.  I'm glad I did, because I said some things I never would have remembered during the gameplay without recording my exclamations. :3
     I did have to replay the Sephiroth battle.  But I did so differently; I unequipped the Blizzaga and the Poison Twist materia, and replaced them with the very powerful Thundaga and Vital Slash materia.  Those helped a bunch...they took a whopping 2000 HP or so out of Sephiroth each use.  And Osmose materia saves Ethers. Yeah!
     So, to summarize the rest of the session, I got passed the part where it was Cloud who finished off Sephiroth, and now, after five years had passed, Zack is helping Cloud escape with him from the Shinra Lab and on their way out of the Shinra Manor, where the save point is on the lower floor.  Zack clears the way before he goes back to Cloud and helps him walk.  Poor Cloud  :( 
      I went crazy when an unconscious Cloud fell into Zack's arms in the Shinra Lab.  I screamed, and I squealed, and the sweater I was wearing was very unnecessary ^,^;;  Zack freed Cloud from the glass pod, and after he caught him he said Cloud's name.  It was like a reunion with an embrace.  I liked that.  It was a touching and bittersweet moment. They are so darling... :3  <3

     Zack is now level 41, up from 40.  After all that fighting, scene-watching and fan-fiction-inducing visuals, I wanted to play just a couple more Easy side missions.  So I did "Fun in the Sun: Vacation Time" and "Mysteries of the World: Kactuar?"
     There are still munnies, leveling up and items to pick up.  I believe there still might be some gameplay involving Zack and Cloud's escape from Hojo and Nibelheim.  Come to think of it, Nibelheim is some ways far from Midgar.  At least I'm closer to finishing the game, but I am closer to crying too.  I have a new poster on my bedroom door (I bought it at Anime Los Angeles 6 con) that has Sephiroth, Zack, and Cloud ( :3 ) and now that I have it, well...I hope it won't be too painful to look at after I do finish the game.  Cloud looks sooo saaaad  3:  He needs kisses...

Next for PSP is either Sonic Rivals 2 or Dissidia FF (for Tuesday Feb. 2).  Gosh, I really need to return to my console games, like Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier and Sonic Unleashed.......and don't forget, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Crisis Core: FFVII on Jan. 30th-31st...Part 1

After another 2 weeks, I returned to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.  This time though, I finally resumed the story.  Back in December I left off at the point where Zack is running to the Nibelheim Reactor to get to Sephiroth.  He had burned down the town, and Zack is mad.  That time, the battery power was low and within the half hour I was able to find a save point and stop the game.
     So,  my PSP's battery was fully charged last night. I wanted to play at 10pm, but my calico cat Kallie wanted my lap.  I call it her "Kallie Time."  I was nice to her and switched my PSP to sleep mode to give her my lap.  While on my lap, she burped. It was the first time I heard a cat burp.  And no excuse me, LOL.
     Anyway, finally at 10:30pm I warmed up with a couple of Easy side missions for Zack.  Didn't level up, but it's okay.  Then I went into the Nibelheim Reactor, and Zack found Tifa, and then went into the Jenova room.  Gosh, I've never seen Sephiroth so happy before...or is the word "nutty?"  The expression on his face was so unlike him...he never smiled like that ever, not earlier in the game, not in FFVII: AC either.  So it was just weird.
     "Mummyyyyyyyyyy," Sephiroth must be thinking o.0
     So at around 11pm, Zack had to fight against Sephiroth.  Sephiroth had over 46,000 HP for this one battle, and 9,999 MP, it's too much!  I could tell it was going to be an interesting battle, so I recorded myself playing it the first time around.  I was equipped with Blizzaga, Cura, Barrier, Libra, Osmose, and Poison Twist materia.  So here are a lot of my exclamations; they can get funny:

  • "You get Blizzaga too!" (Sephiroth hit me with the spell, so I give him one back.)
  • "What do those crystals (gems) do anyway?  I think they're like tokens (like in Yu-Gi-Oh!) and act as a shield."
  • "No you don't!  Ow.  I didn't guard myself agsinst his Cross Slash.  Guard!  Good boy."
  • "Ha ha!  Null physical, there ya go!  Poison Twister attack!!"
  • "Whoa!  How did he get behind me? ... He turned around again!  He's gettin' desperate..."
  • "None of the slot things (the DMW) has helped me yet.......Owwwwwah! (Zack got hit)"
  • "Oh, look who it is, it's Sephiroth on the Deeeeeee, MW....Ah, it's my turn to do the Octoslash.  Taste of your own medicine, buddy!"
  • "Nooo!  Now it's Sephiroth's turn to do the Octoslash! .........He's all like floating o.0..."
  • "I can't even get behind him!  What is he doing... OOOOOOoooooahh (long gasp), I have only one hit point left, whatever he did!"
  • "Sephiroth again, DMW...[laughs after watching the memory of Zack with Sephorith, "Your opponent was too weak.  Try another."
  • "No, the Heartless Angel!  That's what he did!! It's the Heartless Angel that took Zack's HP down to 1 (from +4300HP ; Cura saves my ass so many times), so that he can have the pleasure of finishing me off physically (in other, more appropriate words, finish me with a physical attack)."
  • "Cissnei, go go go go!  Yay!  Lucky Stars Lv. 1, That's good enough for me!........Critical hits the rest of the battle!"
  • "I can kinda tell when he's going to attack.  Just like that, when he like kinda...okay like DUCK, or something!......RUUUUUUUNNah!"
  • Aww, puppy Zack (DMW memory trigger).....And Genesis saves the day!"  (As Zack does his Apocolypse limit attack, I say, "Take that, Sephiroth!  You and your shampooed hair are done!"
So I (uh, Zack ^,^;;) won the battle against Sephiroth.  However, that wasn't all of it.  It continued into another separate battle, in which Mr. SilverHair had 31,000 more HP.
     I had to divide this post into two parts.   So this is part 1.

Part 2 is next...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dissidia FF, again, Jan 26

At 3:40pm Tuesday, I played Dissidia Final Fantasy again because it was my Bonus Day, Tuesdays.  I leveled up Warrior of Light, Zidane and Cloud.  After that, I returned to Destiny Odyssey I-4.
  5:25pm  I finished playing for the day.  For the levels of my favorite characters so far, Firion is still at level 8; WOL is level 19, Cloud is level 7, Zidane is level 13 now.  I started playing as Bartz in the Quick Battles.  I played as Zidane in his Alternate form, and then his fur in EX Mode is silver.  I actually prefer his blue outfit instead of the darker one cuz it's more colorful.  Heehee, adorable Zidane :)
    In Story ModeI left off at Destiny Odyssey I-5.  I finally beat the Counterfit Wraith (fake Cloud of Darkness) because WOL was at an appropriate level 16 before heading there.  Yes!!  Then I started the boss battle with only 230 or so hit points left.  Jeez, I suck at protecting WOL :(  but after a few more tries and using his long-range HP attack (being a coward and hiding behind a wall in order to do it--THAT saved my ass), I beat tge boss and finished playing that part of the story.  Then in I-5 I did the first two battles, but then I stopped level progression there, and that's okay cuz I keep the EXP that I already got.
   I really want to unlock Kuja, but I have to finish a Destiny Odyssey first.

   The next time I get to the PSP again it will have to be Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII because I want to finish it before I get too crazy with DissidiaDissisia is a big time suck, but I have lots of fun with it. ^.^
     Other games I should get back to (Ya know...the console games) :D : 
  • Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
  • NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • Jak 3 (replay :] )
  • Final Fantasy VII (uh-huh...I still want to finish it)
  • Final Fantasy XII (uh huh...that one too.  I want to learn more about Balthier, is that wrong?)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bayonetta dream

Last night I dreamed about Bayonetta.  She did all kinds of jumps and poses and she was shooting from both pairs of guns...
     I think she was fighting her imposter.  That's how I saw my dream, anyway.  Monday night while watching the anime Monster on the SyFy channel, I saw an ad for Bayonetta again.  It's so shweet, and I loooove the song that's playing during this commercial.  Is it the theme song?  A liscensed song used for this game?  I dunno, and I want to know sooner or later.  So cool.  [Sigh] Bayonetta...

Dissidia FF, Jan 23

It was my Bonus PP day in Dissidia, so I wanted to play Arcade Mode with Warrior of Light and do some Quick Battles.
     As WOL in Arcade Mode, Zidane was my first opponent (NOOOO!! WHYYY?!!) My second opponent was Squall, and then next was Terra.  My fouth opponent was Kefka...I lost the first battle.  I won the second battle against him.  My fifth opponent was EXDeath. He's not that tough for me.  He has a funny laugh whenever he avoids my attacks.
     Next were the Quick Battles.  I played as WOL versus Cecil  (I say Take that, Sasuke!! Because he sounds like Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto.  Yuri Lowenthal is the voice actor.)  I fought aganst him a few times.  Next I had WOL fight against Squall, and then against Bartz.  He leveled up to level 14.  For my next round of Quick Battles, I played as Firion in his Alternate Mode again :)  His attacks are so fun!  I had him fight against Tidus.  Uh-gain. Then finally, I wanted to level up Cloud Strife, so for the next half hour I played as Cloud in the Quick Battles. I had him fights against Cecil, Tidus, Bartz.  Cloud is level 6 (he was actually level 3 last time I played, my bad ^.^;;)  I realize that the higher the level a character is, the more gil you earn for that battle.
     I changed my Play Plan from Casual to Average because now I play more than 15 battles each time now.  It has to be at least 50.  Whoa, that's too much, isn't it?  Or not.  Haven't been counting. Heh.  o.0
     "The light will always shine..!"
     I really should try fighting as Terra, get some girl power going on here.
     So the levels of my characters are: Zidane is level 10 ; WOL level 14; Firion is level 8.  Cloud is level 6.  That does NOT mean he's my least favorite.
    Bonus Day next. ^,^

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dissidia again, Jan 21st

7:26pm on Thursday, I played Dissidia Final Fantasy again because it was my Bonus GIL day, so I wanted to get some more munnies.  I played some Quick Battles with Firion to level him up.  I played as him in his Alternate form, with his hair up, so that was neat.  And he sounds like Ichigo from Bleach.  That's Johnny Yong Bosch, the voice actor.  "I have to get stronger, still!"  Yep, that sounds like Ichigo.  '__'  I played as Firion in an Arcade Mode as well, against Cecil, then Zidane, then himself.  Then the fourth opponent was Sephiroth.  Gosh, uh-gain!!! But for the first time in like ever, I won the first battle against him!  Yay!  And it helps that Firion fights with long-range weapons like bow and eros...I mean, bow and arrows.   Yikes ^.^;;  Anyway, fighting Sephiroth at close range is a bad idea, because he's a fierce fighter.  Finally, Firion fought The Emperor from FFII.  Makes sense, since The Emperor is the main villain of the FFII game.
To cool off, I did some Quick Battles with Warrior of Light to level him up to level 13. It's not enough; the Cloud of Darkness is level 19 in I-4, so WOL needs to be at least level 15.  Zidane is now level 9.  Cloud is level 5.  Sorry, Cloud, you're still my fave <3
9:25pm I finished my session with Dissidia Final Fantasy.  It was less frustrating since it was just accumilating GIL and leveling up characters without DP worries.  Shweet.  Saturday is my Bonus PP day, so I 'm charging the portable unit for that.

When playing as Zidane in Quick Battles, I always seem to choose Tidus as my opponent.  Huh.  I wonder why.
The lamest line (and funniest in my opinion) for Zidane after he wins:  "Easy-peasy!"     '__'???
Favorite winning line from Zidane: "Yup!  That's how you do it."   ^,^
Favorite winning line from Cloud: "My mine alone."     ^,^

Dissidia on Jan. 19

During the five-day rainy thunderstorms happening in Southern California, I wasn't able to get online the entire time.  Now that the storms are overwith, or nearly so, I can catch up on Cyborg Haven.

Cloud, Squall, and the tailed Zidane

First off, I returned to Dissidia Final Fantasy in the Destiny Odyssey I-3 this past Tuesday close to 8pm.  I also wanted to at least start Destiny Odyssey IX and give myself a break with an easier difficulty level of three stars (instead of five stars like Warrior of Light). I got Mognet Mail too :)   Unfortunately I had to start from the beginning of I-3, but that's okay.  I did better on the battles after having gone through them the first time.  Ultimecia is a b****.  "She's such an a**" I said after losing some battles against her.  Cloud of Darkness is worse in Destiny Odyssey I-4.  At least 60+ times I retried, and I wasted time, around an hour doing this.  I mean, it was my Bonus Day!  I could have kept all those EXP and leveled up, but no, Cloud of Darkness (the fake one) had to be a b**** too!   So I charge the PSP battery while I had dinner and rested my thumbs.

11:15pm I started Destiny Odyssey IX to take a break.  So lotsa Zidane!!  I got stuck on IX-2 because Zidane was level 7 and the battle piece was level 15, and that's not fair.  I was wondering why Zidane kept saying things like "Maybe this isn't a good idea?"  Because his level wasn't high enough to last that battle.  Who was it again?  So I'm basically stuck in IX-2.  Then I decided well, the best thing to do in a situation like this is to play some Quick Battles and level up my favorite characters that way.  I won't have to worry about losing Destiny Points or whatever, missing  DP chances.  I'm glad I get PP no matter what; that was how I was able to get from 2400 PP to 3100 PP so quickly, cuz I kept losing to the wrong opponents.
Zidane is so fun to play because he's fast. : D
I had Zidane fight against Tidus, then Cecil, and then I battled as Cloud versus Squall a few times.
Jeez, Zidane is called so many  simian names: Monkey, Chimp (chimps don't have tails, they're APES), Baboon, Monkey again.  Poor Zidane.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crisis Core level up session, Jan. 15

On Friday 6:30pm I played a level-up session for Zack in Crisis Core: FFVII.  I played for roughly an hour and ten minutes.  Zack is level 40 now, with Cloud's help from the DMW ^.^. I did a Materia Fusion with the Thundara and Poison materia and created the Dark Thundara + 20% MP.  I equipped it already.  The Thundaga is very powerful now, but I wanted to use status ailments on my enemies so Dark Thundara will be very helpful with that, plus Zack can use more MP.  I also equipped Zack with Osmose materia so he can steal MP from enemies and use his most powerful magic attacks on those sonsabitches if need be.  I have plenty of Poison and Thunder materia ready for any Materia Fusions coming up soon.

     Forgive me for only spending time with Crisis Core and Dissidia lately.  These games (full of Square-Enix goodness, mind you) have been dominating my gaming time, probably because of the convinience of the PSP and being able to play it in any room rather than only in the den.  The next time I get to Crisis Core, I need to move on, because the game has been out now and I want to be able to talk about the events in the game with my friends without getting myself spoiled.  I mean, I know how the game is going to turn out (also what happens to Zack) but I want to see the events for myself.  I am considering joining the forums in The because I want to talk about Final Fantasy VII-related stuff with other fans who are so crazy about it like me...o.0.  Uh...yeah.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


On Thursday with my parents and my sister, I saw the Avatar movie at the Winnetka Stadium 21.  Pacific Theaters is the best, in my opinion.  Loved the movie, loved it, loved it, loooooooved it!!  Go see it!  In 3-D, if possible!  It blew me away.
     I dunno if I am going to play Avatar: The Game.  I might rent it, for the Wii.  Playstation the Official Magazine and Nindento Power both didn't like it too much.  I believe it's worth a try, but I'm buried under Square-Enix goodness for now, so it will have to wait.  I'd root for the Na'vi, personally.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dissidia FF on Jan. 12: Destiny Odyssey I

I wanted to play Dissidia Final Fantasy on Tuesday because Tuesday is my "Bonus Day."  I thought I'd try Destiny Odyssey I (and play as the Warrior of Light from FFI) and then a few Quick Battles afterwards.  But it turned out I only had time for half of the Warrior of Light's part of the story mode.
     I didn't expect myself to play through these levels perfectly the first time around.  Even with the strategy guide near me, the battles were still difficult.  What made it harder was that I kept forgetting to customize the Warrior of Light whenever I go to an opponent that has higher difficulty.  I especially had a hard time in Destiny Odyssey I-3, where the first two battles I had to retry around 20 times, thus subtracting 10 story points each retry.  That sucks.  And I'm mad at Sepiroth because I never win the first time.  He fights fierce.  He's not nice to Warrior of Light. >:(
     I left off after the battle with Ultimecia in DO I-3.  I currently have 3 Destiny Points left.  I don't think I gained another DP from the other battle I had to retry 20 times.  Which was it?  I think it was against Cecil's brother.  How many villains look like Garland?  Jeez.  Anyway, the next time I get to this game, I am going to do the quick battles, because I need to practice fighting more, still.  Maybe with the Warrior of Light; last time it was mostly adorable Zidane.
     I want Kuja to be the first villain I unlock after finishing DO I.  I wouldn't know how his voice sounds, so I am curious about it.  He's a difficult opponent as well.  He went "Trance" on Warrior of Light and kicked his ass.  Nekkid furry Kuja o__0;; .  Which reminds me, there is also nekkid furry Zidane too o__O;; when he is in his EX Mode.  Like I said, partial nudity (?).
     Next I'll play some Quick Battles and an Arcade Mode game to get some EXP and PP.   But I also need to move on in Crisis Core very soon.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Crisis Core on Jan 5th

So I played Crisis Core on Tuesday night and I played deeper into the story.  I knew it... I reached the part when Sephiroth goes mad and reads about the Jenova Projects and burns down Nibelheim.  So not too much new happened because I saw this in Cloud's Past and another part in FFVII.
     I played only for an hour because the green light was flashing on my PSP, which meant the next time I saved I'd have to stop playing.  It took me a half hour or more to find a save point, so I was getting scared and yelling at Zack to run run run!!  I even escaped a couple of battles in the Mt. Nibel Trail.  Luckily there was a save point at the end of the trail.  Then I saved and quit the game.  I have to recharge the battery -_- .

Cyborg Haven Update Jan 7th: Older Games

Tuesday afternoon I was watching videos on YouTube with my sister.  Earlier that day we were reminiscing about the NES games and the SEGA Genesis games we used to rent way back when we were eight years old.   We decided to watch some playthrough videos of some of these games. They refreshed my memory of the titles of these games.  Hence, this Cyborg Haven Update #8.
The following items are added to the list of Video Games I've Played...(not necessarily finished):
  • The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World (NES)
  • The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (NES)
  • Krusty's Fun House (NES)   sucked a**
  • Zoop (SEGA Genesis)  I used to own this one
  • Star Trek TNG: Echoes of the Past (SEGA Genesis)
A few sample links to these videos:   Bart vs. The World  Bart Meets Radioactive Man  Bart's Nightmare

The YouTube videos helped me remember what the title of these games were.  I would have put them in the list if I already knew.  Krusty's Fun House, well, I am almost embarrassed to put this on the list because that game was a waste of my time.  I only rented it once and didn't care for it much after that.
     There is already two other The Simpsons games on the list: Bart's Nightmare and Virtual Bart.  Between both of these games, I really enjoyed Bart's Nightmare becasue I liked the BG music that plays when Bart is walking in the neighborhood trying to find his homework.  I think I rented that game four times.
     As for the Star Trek game, I watched my dad play it and he beat it twice.  I attempted to play it to the end too, but I don't think I made it even halfway through the game.  Oh well ^.^;;
     I should do a Reminisce post on Galaxy Force II.  It's my favorite "non-Sonic" SEGA Genesis video game.  I love its background music.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dissidia Final Fantasy, Jan. 3rd

On Sunday night January 3rd I played Dissidia Final Fantasy only for a little while.  As I said last time I wanted to play Quick Battles as Zidane after I returned to Crisis Core, but the Tonnberry mission took so long that I decided I played enough.
     I played plenty of Quick Battles and leveled up the characters.  I am getting a little better at activating the characters' EX Modes.  I have to keep gathering all those little white dots and the bells with the wings; that is what the EX Force and EX Cores are.   I learned that whenever the screen says "EX Core in play"  I try to get to it.  Unfortunately this made me hate Squall (in other words get mad at him) because before I could reach the EX Core, he often got it before me and I shout "No, you motherf*****!"  And an occasional "Godd****t!" here and there.  Really, Squall is not a bad guy, he's just fast.
     Zidane's EX Mode form  How Square Enix gets away with it is beyond me.  Terra's Esper form too.  I thought the rating on the back of the box said "Partial Nudity"???
     I played an Arcade Mode game as Zidane and got 300PP in the Arcade Mode.  Sephiroth was the my fourth opponent, and he is soooo hard to fight.  In fact I had to rematch because he wouldn't give Zidane a break!  EX Death was my fifth opponent and he was really difficult too, but Zidane didn't lose to him.  Hah, it's easy now, but it's gonna get more difficult the more I play this game and the more I play through the story.  It's too bad I can't level up characters in Arcade Mode.  But I had a lot of fun.  Next time I get to the game I will move on in the story mode.
      I also played as Cloud several times in the Quick Battles...the Onion Knight in one, and Firion in another (I won and his cape was flowing in the breeze during the victory pose).  Firion is angry, he needs victories to make him smile ^_^

Starting DISSIDIA FF Dec. 30

On Wednesday night (December 30th) I wanted to start playing Dissidia Final Fantasy, but there were a few things I had to do on my PSP before even playing.  It was around 8:30pm and I put the UMD in, and the unit indicated that there was a version 5.50 update for the PSP in the game.  I figured I should probably take care of that first before playing, so I chose to update since my PSP's software was version 4.21.  I read the liscensing info and all that and agreed to the terms and all that.  Then I started the update, which took about five minutes.  Okay, good...and then my PSP restarted automatically.  The purple background on the screen changed into a nice vivid purple with a pinkish-lavander color on the bottom half of the screen, and I was surprised and pleased about this improvement.  I liked the way the purple color was before, but I really like this new one.  I wonder how other gamers reacted when they updated their own units.  I'd rather use the update on the UMD becasue my PSP doesn't have internet access  yet, so this is actually my only option whenever I have to update the software.
    So then, okay, now I can start playing.  But I remembered that I wanted to do the Data Install before I started a new game.  So I chose that option, and then it gave me a choice of how much megabytes I wanted to install in my Memory Stick Pro Duo.  I chose the middle number, and then it said that the process might take up to an hour.  "Using an AC adaptor is strongly recommended."  Well I thought to myself I just fully charged my unit, so there shouldn't be any problem with the battery running out.  It took me five minutes to decide, and then I went ahead and started the Data Install withoug using the ac adaptor, and it turned out fine.  It took roughly 30 minutes and 15% of the battery power, but then by 9:50pm I was ready to start a new game...
     I wanted my nickname to be "Cloud'sChocobo" but there wasn't enough room for that many letters in the name.  So I went with "VioletMage01," because I like purple and if I had to be a Final Fantasy character I'd be a mage.  Bonus Day...Tuesday?  I dunno.  Casual or Average gamer?  [Sigh...] Casual for now.  I would choose Average but how do I know how often I'll play this game when I've got other games I juggle with?
     This post is getting too long already, so I'll finish it by saying I finished the Prologue and then played several Quick Battles as Zidane and then Cloud.  I lost a lot of battles because my fingers were tired and I got sloppy.  Plus Squall is mean =P.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Crisis Core on Jan. 1 (and into the next day)

Last NiGHTS (I mean, last night ^.^;;), I wanted to play a level-up session on Crisis Core and then play a few Quick Battles as Zidane in Dissidia Final Fantasy for a half hour afterwards.  I did bring Zack up to Level 39 and got more gil and items, which I am happy about, and new Thundara and Osmose materia.  Within this session I decided to play one more mission, the Master Tonnberry mission, and it took almost another half hour to finish!  Those Tonnberries are tough little guys (are they turtle fish, or what?  They're turtles with fish tails...I almost think twice about killing them because they are cute, but they can kick Zack's butt very quickly and they are mean, so I'm like, Why not?  Slice they a$$es!!)  Zack gets a lot of gil for each one he gets.  I made sure I explored the cave thoroughly because there are other treats to look for, like materia or an X-Potion.  I think I found a Phoenix Down too.  I have very few of those.
    I ended up not playing Dissidia with Zidane =(  because it was 12:30am and I already played CC:FFVII for 30 minutes more than I wanted to (so total: an hour and fourty minutes or so.  It was that darn Tonnberry mission!!  ARGH...).  I try to limit the amount of time I spend on the PSP so the battery power doesn't run out so fast.  I even had to skip some of the small little scenes during the DMW because those take battery power too.  I watched a few of them that I didn't see before to the end.  [Sigh]...

DISSIDIA Crazyness!!!!!! 8O

I've been Dissidia crazy since X-mas.  It started when my sister game me Dissidia Final Fantasy, and then its Strategy Guide.  But it didn't stop there!  On Saturday I decided to buy the full original soundtrack on iTunes.  I couldn't wait; I love Square-Enix music and this OST was $15.99 in iTunes compared to its suggested retail price of $23.99 in physical form.  I already fell in love with the track "Over the hill" from FFIX.  Little by little I'll listen to the others.
     I have the PSP game, the strategy guide, and the music.  In a matter of days I got all I need of Dissidia goodness at this point.  Now I just need to unlock the characters...
     I know there is a Dissida Final Fantasy Trading Arts Vol. 1 with Squall, Tidus, Zidane and my favorite Cloud, but I don't need those.  It's nice to know that there are still Trading Arts action figures of some of the Final Fantasy characters I recognize.  That reminds me, I do have a list of some characters that I'd like to play in this game:  Warrior of Light, Firion, Cloud, Zidane, Kuja, Bartz.  Zidane has a tail, so yay for adorable Zidane!  And Kuja, is it pronounced KUU-yah or KUU-jah?  I've always pronounced his, her, his name as KUU-jah for some time (I didn't know about Kuja until previews for DFF) but lately it just feels right for me to say KUU-yah.
     Maybe sometime when I won't feel so guilty about buying another game I might get Final Fantasy II for the PSP.  I've been growing attached to Firion as well, probably because he looks like the angriest hero of Cosmos.  Well, Cloud is sad.  A lot of the ten heroes are frowning, except for monkey-tailed Zidane and also Tidus.  [sigh] Will I ever return to playing Final Fantasy X????  I hate hiring Bliztball players cuz I don't have enough gil to feel comfortable hiring any.  Besides, I need potions and stuff.
     So my definite favorites for DFF already are Cloud, Zidane, Kuja and Firion.  Wait, Kuja is one of the ten villains, right?  Hmm...nyaawww, poor Kuja.
     I haven't played any Final Fantasy games other than VII, X and XII at this point, so it would be fun to learn about the other Final Fantasy heroes (and villains too).