I couldn't help it. :)
I was hoping I would be able to buy the game at a store, so that other people, maybe other gamers, would see that I am a Jak and Daxter fan. Ha ha...? Well, a couple of days ago I found an offer I could not resist: the PS2 Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier for $22.99 at GameStop.com ! I even decided to order the Official Strategy Guide for the game as well!
As I might have said before, I'd rather play this game for the Playstation 2 because a) I want to see it on a bigger screen, and b) I don't feel like limiting myself on how long I play it because of any remaining battery power my PSP would have. I have plenty of games for my portable unit at this time, and I'm not going to forget about buying Dissidia: Final Fantasy and the upcoming Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep either.
If you check the link to GameStop above, the page says it is an online price only, and that the price drop will save customers $7. Also, there are a few reviews already for this PS2 version of the game. Is that a good thing? Unfortunately, the reviews are not all that positive, even from the Jak and Dax fans. But you know what, that's not gonna stop me from wanting to play this game. I personally am a loyal Jak and Daxter fan. In terms of platformers, it's been a good while since a Jak and Daxter video game was released in that genre. I mean, Jak X wasn 't so bad to me; in fact, it may be the only racing game that I do enjoy because not only is it Jak and Daxter. There is actually a STORY to that racing game, unlike many of the other games where the only purpose is to drive/race and admire how oh-so beautiful (and "ohh lookie how real-like") those race cars are.
Which brings me to another point. I recently visited http://www.us.playstation.com/ and I had to check out this post on the Playstation Blog about the newest Jak and Daxter game (check it out!). I noticed that a lot of comments made about that post state that there should be a Jak and Daxter game for the Playstation 3. Um, I understand their disappointment, but...
Hey look, I just made an awesome discovery! It's called the Playstation 2! There are hundreds of thousands of video game titles to play for it, and it can also play DVDs and music CDs. And the best of it all is, you can even play [your] old PSone titles on the PS2, like Final Fantasy VII or Chrono Trigger if you have them! Oh man, I wish I had that Playstation 2...
Oh wait, I do :)
My point about whether or not there should be a PS3 Jak and Daxter game is this. Many of these gamers who have a PS3 must be so spoiled by now with the great graphics of Metal Gear Solid 4 or Resistance or WWE titles. Or Halo 3. Just know that those of you who think 100% perfect graphics and 100% perfect gameplay are the only things that make a video game desirable, then you my friends are missing out on some great PS2/PSone treasures. Don't throw out your PS2 consoles just yet, or not at all. I know I won't.
Vladimir Vykos
Commissioned Vampire: the Masquerade Character Portrait This was a surprise
gift commission from one player to another which made it a challenge. Vlad
is a...
4 weeks ago
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