Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dreamed about NiGHTS again ^.^

I love it when I dream about NiGHTS!

     It was yesterday in the afternoon when I took a short nap on a vinyl chair (not the best place for me to snooze, but I was tired enough to).  In my dreams somehow, I think I was playing a NiGHTS video game, but it was different.  I didn't see Elliot or Claris from NiD, or Helen or Will from NiGHTS: JoD.  But somehow in the middle of it, NiGHTS turned into a baby (Chibi-form, if you will) and was wearing a pacifier.  Odd.  @.@   But I thought NiGHTS was sooo adorable  as a baby.  I think Reala was in the dream too.  I forgot what he did though, or what happened.
      Next, some dreamer was having nightmare problems because of Reala's [possible] intervention into his unconscious??  The dream turned into a comic book sort of style (boy I reeaalllly wish I didn't miss out on those NiGHTS into Dreams comic books by Archie Comics, espcecially the first 3 issues, and unfortunately they're out of print.  It was 12 years ago I believe).  Police were trying to find answers, and the dreamer was scared.  Maybe I should write this as a fan-fiction.
      Hahahaha...NiGHTS into Dreams...and then I dream about NiGHTS, or NiGHTS related stuff.
     I really should join a NiGHTS  fanclub or something.  I know there is a forum in NiGHTS into that I can go to, but I have to register first before I can participate.  I should at least read some of the posts before I begin to sign up and submit something of my own.  I have attepmted to draw NiGHTS  and even Reala before, but I don't know when I'll submit them if I even do any drawings, anyway.  I'm not an artist in terms of drawing or sketching.  Sigh... :(  But I want to show other NiGHTS fans that I'm a fan too!  And a Reala fan as well.  Why can't I just take that first step and join the forums?!!!  I even have my very own fan-made NightMaren that I want to develop  a story for and draw, and share with other fans.  Sigh, rant rant rant...I'm just ranting.
     In N:JoD, I am just inches away from finishing the game, but I've only collected 11 DreamDrops.  Or was it 10?  Ergh.
     NiGHTS!!!!  ^,^

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