In finding a way to take my gaming notes and save time while playing, I came upon an idea I should have used a long time ago. Like, from the beginning. Heh heh.
I will occasionally, if not frequently, be using a mini-cassette audio recorder to record: the areas of the game that I reach (or names of Sonic game levels), items my character acquires, funny things that happen, my exclamations while playing, and more things that I otherwise would have to pause the game and write on a piece of paper as the clock ticks. It's an Olympus Micro-cassette Recorder, and I've had for at least five years now. It was a holiday gift; I wasn't sure how often I'd use it or for what, until now.
This would especially be helpful for when I play Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, because when I pause the game to take notes, the PSP's battery power decreases as I stop playing. I only want to put it in sleep mode when I need to stop it for five minutes or more. Recording my exclamations (that is, my comments/reactions to things that happen in the game as I play) will save time, and I can play without much interruption.
Most of the time when I do use it, I can just record for five or ten minutes at a time, so that I don't have too much to listen to--maybe just for something that I think I want to expand on. It may be as long as a half hour, if I forget to pause the recorder. With the recorder, my blog posts can be more detailed, and hopefully, more entertaining. ;)
Vladimir Vykos
Commissioned Vampire: the Masquerade Character Portrait This was a surprise
gift commission from one player to another which made it a challenge. Vlad
is a...
4 weeks ago
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