Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holidays and stuff... On Hiatus

I think I may have been on an unannounced hiatus, so sorry for any disappointment I may have caused for not posting as regularly as I used to.

But I will be back next month  ^__^

So, have a Merry Christmas and a pleasant Hanukkah and a wonderful Kwanzaa!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Update on Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy: Finished Scenario 012!!

So it took a while, because I made my top party members gather some extra KP before moving on. Up to 247 KP total. Yuna was the leader for a bit so she can get some more EXP as well as level up faster and get some for the other party members.

Things worked out great. At the Rift, Lightning and Vaan were my highest-leveled fighters (naturally since Lightning was in Chapter 1 and then Vaan is my favorite of the new fighters. I love his Crossbow attacks :]  )

It also turned out that Lightning was the last to fight—and the right one because she was level 44 and Garland was level 39.

I liked how DDFF introduced the concept of “party” in the game series, and how you can choose to have one of the characters fight for everyone or have each character fight a separate member of the enemy party. When it was Tifa’s turn though, she was getting her butt kicked and at the end of the battle had 110 HP left. The victory line she said was, “Phew, that was a close call.” True, very true.

That’s when I noticed my PSP’s power indicator was blinking.

I gotta finish these fights quick so I can save. I was rewarded with more plot cinema, but at the same time I was afraid the battery would die on me in the middle of everything. I couldn’t relax and enjoy any of it. And then the beautiful vivid cinematic CGI graphics worried me even more, using up more battery life. Then the epilogue narration comes in, and I go, “Hurry up, hurry up, I need to save and quit the game!” I read the narration text and wanted to skip it (the narrator’s voice takes his sweet time, doesn’t he?) But I couldn’t progress forward on my own pace.

I got a new report and new PP catalog items but I didn’t see what they were because my priority was to quit the game before the PSP would shut itself off. Mission successful, with 5% battery power to spare.

I returned to the game again with my console fully charged. Went to the Museum Theater to watch those final scenes again from Scenario 012, enjoying them this time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This is Your Year, Sonic!

I can’t believe it’s been 20 years since Sonic the Hedgehog made his debut in the United States.

And now he is going to get his own new (updated) parade balloon for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade!!     :3  

Twenty years. That means I was at least six years old when I found out he existed, and it changed my world.  The Nintendo games and Super Mario Brothers weren’t enough anymore.  I had to play the video game with the cool blue hedgehog that runs fast and bounces off robots.  SEGA Genesis provided video games—especially the Sonic the Hedgehog ones—that were more colorful and ran faster than Mario ever could.  My Sega Genesis lasted longer than the NES.  I guess what I meant to say was that I was playing on the SEGA Genesis longer than I’ve played on the NES. I spent more time playing Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and Sonic 3D Blast than any other video game I would play on the NES or others on the SEGA Genesis.

Now that Sonic Generations is released, my appreciation for this video game character is renewed.  I don’t know when I’ll get it and play it.  I don’t even have Sonic Colors (the latest one I DO have is Sonic Unleashed, with is about 3 years old? now).  I’m sure Sonic Colors is a good game.  There seems to be a lot of hype about Sonic Generations, and so far it is looking good.  I am trying to stay away from trailers or websites that are too revealing about the game.  I didn’t know there was going to be a Nintendo 3DS version of SG, although it doesn’t apply to me because I know I won’t need a Nintendo 3DS. The PSP 3000 is already my handheld console of choice.

I suppose that eventually I will have to have a go with Sonic Generations. It is something I feel I shouldn’t miss out on. I am still busy with the Dissidia FFs, and really should get back to Sonic Unleashed, since it is the most HD Sonic game I have. I haven’t even tried this game on the HD TV set yet (it’s been nearly two years since I touched that vide game).  I’ll bet it’s going to look so good.

I still read the Sonic the Hedgehog comic books from Archie Comics.  I am about seven issues behind, though--alot of other things have been getting in the way--but I am looking forward to reading them when they celebrate Sonic's 20th.

So, Sonic…this year is for you. <3  Your 20th anniversary, new video game, ongoing comic books,  new parade balloon...and most important of all, old fans and new fans of the most way past cool blue hedgehog in the video game universe.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Current Progress in Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

The last time I played the game, I completed Kain Highwind’s Scenario 012 chapter. I liked the music that was playing in the background while Kain roamed the field. Firion was with him. The field music definitely provided a different atmosphere playing his chapter than playing the Yuna or Lightning’s chapters. Kain is currently level 22, after finishing his story.

I like that Kain’s helmet hides his eyes, making him look more mysterious than he already shows to be. Mystery Guy.

So Tifa is next. She is level 18 now, since I’ve been leveling her up as I played through half of her chapter. Now that she is leveled up and has some more abilities, she isn’t so tough to play anymore. I ‘m so used to playing characters that have a weapon, but Tifa is a close-range type of character and so it will be interesting fighting as her.

Monday, October 24, 2011

A New Favorite FF song, thanks to Dissidia Duodecim-- Not Alone

I was playing Dissidia Duodecim FF the other day and out of curiosity for more FF IX music, I used some of the PP earned in the game so far to unlock the battle music BGM track, “Not Alone.”

I really like it. It’s been stuck in my head for the past few days. I even went to iTunes to listen to the sample of it (without hearing all the sound FX during the battles). I found out there is an option in the Options Menu, where one can turn off the SFX so that you can hear the music without having the SFX obstructing the nice background music. I just might do that for a few battles and see for myself how that is.

Man I love this song now.  I've never played this game but DDFF introduced me to a few really good music tracks from FF IX.  As for the music track “Darkness of Eternity,” I unlocked that immediately when I realized I could unlock the new BGM music with PP. I already knew what that sounded like (I bought it on iTunes), and it is cool to have it as battle music when fighting as Kuja. Or Zidane versus Kuja.

Here is a link to a video that features "Not Alone" (or "You're Not Alone") along with some footage from the original video game:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My New Video: Vincent's Time To Shine

It's Vincent Valentine's birthday today: October 13th.  Cenzo (Vincent) is feeling egotistical today so he blocks Cloud from view on the poster.  He wants us to know that he is a Final Fantasy VII hero too.

Happy Birthday Vincent Valentine!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy Update on My Progress

So far in Dissidia Duodecim FF, I am up to Yuna’s Chapter in the story mode. I leveled her up to level 4 before beginning her story. Currently she is level 11.

Sigh. She’s not my favorite character to play, but I am getting the hang of playing as a character that lets her Aeons do all of the fighting, hah hah. I learned that Shiva is a short-range attack and Valefor (my favorite Aeon only because he is the only Aeon I have in my current progress of Final Fantasy X) is long range. Bahamut is long or short range depending on how long I hold the BRV attack button to charge the attack. I love that one.

I was so mean: I let Yuna fight against the sweet Terra Branford. But oh well, I could have leveled her up with someone like Squall or the Warrior of Light. I just thought it would be interesting to have Yuna fight against another girl. Even Terra can be tough, though. Her “Benevolent Wind” attack gets annoying when she keeps using it (and she got Yuna with it three times in a row), but, that’s Terra for ya.

I decided to keep Firion in his Alternate Form #2 for now. In the first Dissidia, he is in his Alternate form already. I prefer him with spiky hair (Final Fantasy trend, anyone? Does anyone wanna see Zidane with spiky hair?). I prefer Terra with her emerald-colored hair, and, um…for now, Cloud Strife is in his Alternate Form #2 also.  Just to see how he fights with white shoes.  :D 

I want to see Kain Highwind’s face, so I have him in his Alt. Form #2 where he wears the hat. Yes I know he may look more dangerous and powerful in the purple dragon armor but I like his desert garb. As for Warrior of Light, I currently have him in his Red Form (that was a lot of PP to spend), but I will change him back to his light blue form with the long hair and the horned helmet. I am quite used to him like that already. Why change him, right? His Red Form is for those who want that nostalgia factor in their game, and for the original Final Fantasy I, I don’t have that nostalgic feeling playing the Red WoL.

And oh!  Actually, about Zidane and spiky hair... his hair does get kinda spiky when he turns into a pink monkey for his EX Burst. Okay, then that’s settled. Never mind. But suppose he asked Cloud nicely…

: 3 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cyborg Haven Update

The following item has been added to the list titled "Video Games I'm Looking Forward To":
  • Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword (Wii)
The following item has been added to "My Favorite Websites":

What ever could this mean??!!!!

My curiosity started with page 19 of the Nintendo Power August issue, and now I've seen the Ghirahim trailer for the game from ComicCon 2011 online.

I am a new Lord Ghirahim fan :3  And my curousity about this new interesting, beautiful villain is what is sparking my interest in the video game LoZ: The Skyward Sword.

More later!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Two Year Anniversary of Cyborg Haven!!!

It's been two years now since I've started Cyborg Haven: Blog of a Gamer Girl.  I couldn't maintain a healthy blog while I still  had school to finish.  Since September 3, 2009, I've started this blog and kept track of the video games I've played and loved and look forward to.

I really should update Cyborg Haven at least once a week, although I don't play video games on a console as often as I used to.  Lately, Mega Man X8 has been the console game (PS2) I play, while Dissidia: Final Fantasy or Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy were the PSP titles I'd return to playing, and I would just update the current levels of the Cosmos heroes or which story modes I began.

I will try to bring more variety into my posts for this blog, even if they are games I am not currently playing or have played in the past.

Wow, two years.  I've written and shared so much over the months.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Further Progress on Mega Man X8, late August

It all happened so fast.

I finished Mega Man X8. But it was on Easy Mode. I finished the game using Axl and X in his full Neutral Armor. Of course X has to be one of the ones to fight Sigma, because he has some weapons that may work against him. However, the fully charged shot was even enough to do some helpful damage against Sigma, so even that was good. Axl was my support, but he got KO’ed in the process, so it was up to X.

The credits rolled and I had to choose a new mode of game play: Normal or Hard. I chose Normal, since the mode I played before was Easy. I loaded the clear data and ended up starting the game all over again, but with the leftover Metals included so that I can level up the three Maverick Hunters from the beginning. The game even saved the Intermission stages for the two stages that had them, so it works out great for the Central White stage; that is the place to get more and more Metals for level-ups. Axl is the best for that one because he has the continuous shooting. ;)

I already had X acquire his Neutral Armor and Head Parts I as well as Body Parts H. Thanks to Axl  :)!!!   I have to deal with Retry Chips now, as it is Normal Mode that the game is in currently. Hey, it’s not so bad. I might just even give Hard Mode a try later on, when I’ve got at least 80,000 Metals that I can help give the Maverick Hunters an easier time getting through the Hard Mode. And maybe the ending would be better? Like, more satisfying than just one little battle with Sigma? What about Lumino? Er, Lumine? Sorry, I had to keep that typo in there because I’ve been calling Lumine “Lunimo” to remind myself he is a male Reploid. Or is he genderless? I mean, I guess it is a unisex name...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Playing NiGHTS Journey of Dreams on NiGHTS's 15th Anniversary

Of course this was back on July 5th, but I only recently uploaded this on my YouTube channel.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I screamed at the top of my lungs the first time I saw NiGHTS in the Star Power section of the gaming magazine Nintendo Power.  Boy did I scare my family (after I finished screaming I immediately explained that I was not in pain and that I was just really happy and excited about the special attention NiGHTS received in this issue of the magazine.).  The section is on pages 16 and 17.

It is finally the time that NiGHTS gets some recognition, especially since Sonic the Hedgehog has his 20th anniversary this summer, and NiGHTS has his 15th anniversary on the same season.  Just days apart from each other!  Unfortunately NiGHTS is not on the cover of the magazine.  According to and The Sonic Stadium, NiGHTS was on the cover of Nintendo Power close to the days that the video game NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams would be released that November 2007.

I don't know if I am going to continue to subscribe to Nintendo Power after my subscription expires this December, so I am so happy that at least Mega Man and NiGHTS were given Star Power pages this year.  Without it I wouldn't have known that Mega Man could have been called "Rainbow Battle Kid" (because he changes colors depending on the type of weapon he's using).

I love the timeline that shows NiGHTS's appearances along the past 15 years.  I guess it is a month late in doing this for him, but at least it is soon (within the month of July 5th).  The facts (and ideas) about him are on the right page and they are quite fascinating, namely about his hands, feet, and "peculiar purple headgear".

I've been aware for a long time that NiGHTS is genderless, but I find myself calling NiGHTS "he" and "him," as the magazine has.  If he is also called "she" and "her," I have no problem with that because in my opinion, NiGHTS is whatever anyone wants him to be.  It really helps that I am attracted to colors related to purple or lavender.  : 3 

You can take a peek at the August 2011 issue of Nintendo Power on its website (the link is below). Or, if you are also a fan,  pick up a copy from the newsstands if you want to check out what NP has to say about our favorite purple flying hero NiGHTS.  Hopefully this issue of NP will introduce potential new fans to this character and his popularity can climb higher.


Friday, August 5, 2011

My Vincent Valentine Plushie Watches Himself on TV

I plan to make and upload more of these (with and without the TV) once I have a proper plan/script written out for them. This one didn't have a plan, I just did it live, short and sweet.

This is the debut of my Vincent Valentine plushie on myYouTube Channel (wait, I don't have many videos uploaded on my channel, WTF...) O__O

Vincent knows I am watching cut scenes from Dirge of Cerberus: FFVII but he blocks my view and is surprised to see himself in the game.  The audio for the TV is not meant to be loud or clear, so if you can't hear the audio, don't worry about it  ;P

Here's the link if you want to check out more info on my video :

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy on June 26 + DFF Levels Update for July 12th

For Dissidia Duodecom FF, The 26th was just an hour long, so I had time to mainly level up Bartz. I chose Zidane to be his Assist Character because, well, they’re buddy pals.

Here is a list of the levels of the characters I have played so far…

• Cloud.............................1 (or 2?)

• Vaan………………….14

• Lightning…………….13

• Bartz………………….4

• Firion…………………4

• Warrior of Light………6

After a battle fighting as WoL, a victory line he says is, “That took too long.” :D 

Dissidia FF up to this point, July 12th
Here are the levels of the characters of DFF so far:

• Kuja………………….36

• Cloud………………..63

• Zidane………………71

• Firion……………….56

• Bartz………………..42

• Tidus………………14

• Cecil………………21

• Squall……………….6

• Sephiroth…………….3

• Terra…………………...7

• Warrior of Light……………52

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mega Man X8 on July 12th

I got pretty far into the game this time. I am almost done with the game now. According to the save menu, I am 93% done with the game now. I found more parts for X (with the help of Axl in one stage and Zero in another) and defeated all of the Mavericks. To know more, read on for the details.  :3 

First I went to the Primrose stage, where I chose Axl and Neutral Armor X (I always choose Neutral Armor X so that he can pick up the parts and equip them immediately). Pallette was my Navi and she tells Axl and X that there is another teleportation door in the room they stopped in. It took some trial and error and lots of dying from instant-death spikes, but Axl was able to take X to the capsule that contained Head Parts I. This part “causes damage to enemies by jumping near them,” says Dr. Light.

The second stage I went to, choosing Axl and X again, was the Pitch Black stage. The last time I went there, Axl and X could not find the generator that turns on the lights, and still we could not find the capsule with a part for X. So I was lucky this time; Axl had to jump up the elevator/moving platform area (the one after the light-source robot lights up the dark room) and there was a room at the top of the elevator that lead to a capsule. This one contained Body Parts H. It allows X to be “invincible to weak enemy attacks,” says Dr. Light. So now X has two types of Body Parts armor, and personally, I prefer this one to the other Body armor.

Central White was next. That is the stage with the Avalanche Yeti, the Maverick for that stage. I love this stage because the Maverick hunters get to ride on snow mobiles. :D Better than slipping on ice, right? Not only that, but this is a good stage to build up my collection of Metals that function in this game as currency for upgrades on X, Axl and Zero’s strengths and abilities. This time I had to leave Axl behind and choose Zero and X. I like Zero’s attack from the snow mobile, and he really came in handy to break the barrier (huge ice blocks) that cut off access to a capsule for X. I had Zero try different things in this area, but I tried the Tenshouha and it broke the ice blocks just like that. I knew there was something there if the ice looked breakable and shiny. Zero was useful here after all.

This is a job for Zero, the red Maverick Hunter! Ha hah, his new nickname can be Ice-Breaker. O__O

In this capsule was Head Parts H, which according to Dr. Light “increases the weapons’ charge speed when equipped.” Yes, X definitely can use this to his advantage! He may need it more than he knows…

Here are the final special weapons each Maverick Hunter earned after the Avalanche Yeti (by the way, in defeating this guy, X was completely knocked out and Zero managed to finish the battle with one health bit left!).

• Zer0……………….Hyouryuusho

• X…………………..Drift Diamond

• Axl…………………Ice Gattling

So now that all the Mavericks are defeated, there is more plot revealed and as usual, there are a few more stages to complete before getting to the final final boss. I love the music for the Stage Select at this point; I just let the music play a few times before moving on.

Oh, I learned within this session of playing MMX 8 that if a character is knocked out, they might come back in five or ten minutes with about a fifth of their energy left. That is what happened to Axl in the Pitch Black stage, and after fighting an ambush and earning metals and energy crystal, I let Axl take that energy crystal. I am nice, am I?

Before I end this very long post, lemme just say that I did at least reach the stage where I had to fight against the Mavericks again. I want to choose a careful time to finish the game. I still have one more Part for X to go, in the Pandamonium stage, but it is almost impossible to reach it at this point. I am hoping I can finish the game without it. It was a very productive session of MMX 8, and I had another Intermission Stage unlocked at Central White this time.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mega Man X8 Music!!!!

I love this song.  It makes me think of Axl cuz I had him ride the ride armor first in MMX 8.  Axl my booo!

The music is from MMX 8.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Update + Mega Man X8 on June 3rd

It's great to be back on Cyborg Haven again.  I was recovering from a bilateral tonsillectomy (both tonsils were removed) so while I was living on liquid Vicodin, antibiotics, applesauce, apple juice and Gatorade, I couldn't update Cyborg Haven on time.  Even after eating more types of soft foods, I was still tired and sick because of the medicine.  But now I am well enough to return and  share my gaming experiences.  Yayyy!

So here is the blog post I meant to put up that week of my surgery.  There are a few other posts I wanted to complete by this time, but for now enjoy this update on my progress for Mega Man X8

I went to the Optic Sunflower stage to find armor parts for X. See, in the Stage Select screen if it says that a stage is “30% Complete,” then there must be something that X needs to get there, so one of my characters that I choose to play MUST be X (preferably with his Neutral Armor on). And of course Axl goes with him! (Sorry Zero : P)

After defeating Gigavolt Man-o-War at the Dynasty Stage, the heroes got these weapons:

X: Thunder Dancer

Axl: Plasma Gun

Zero: Raikousen

I still have yet to fight the Avalanche Yeti in the snowy level. It’s really fun and I get a lot of metals in this stage, but 98% of the time that the characters die, it’s because they fall into one of the pits. I haven’t reached the Maverick yet in this stage since I keep falling into the pits. Well, it is the last Maverick. Meanwhile I wanted to at least acquire X’s other armor parts so he can be powered up to fight harder bosses. There is still one other weapon X needs to find along with the last special weapon. Is it the Giga Attack chip? I dunno.

In the Mining stage, I found a breakable rock that was blocking some barrels, behind which there was a capsule. I wanted to get to it, but that big ol’ Mechanaloid was trying to shoot at X and Axl. After fighting that big thing as a sub-boss, I checked back after it started walking away, then found that the rock was gone. I was able to burn up the barrels and get to the capsule, where X got his Body Parts I.

There are still three areas/stages that have an item X still needs: Pitch Black, Primrose, and Booster Forest. I thought I’d still have to get one in Inferno too (the Burn Rooster stage) but I ended up getting that one that night as well. It took a while since there were a lot of spikes on the walls and on the floors to avoid. I had to go down a few levels, and then jump to a wall on the side and wall-jump up alternate sides to avoid spikes on either side. So Axl was the best go-to-Reploid for this stage. Axl is basically like insurance. Hah hah ha! Right before this wall, Axl had to fall then I had to push the hover button (X for a second jump) to hover over to the side wall. And I had to time it right or Axl would fall onto the spikes. After at least thirty deaths, Axl manages to get to where the capsule is, and X obtained his Foot Parts H. Dr. Light’s hologram tells X that these will help him “gain speed in movement.” I tried it out, and it certainly does.

After saving, and Chip Development, I went to the stage select to just do a brief play in the Intermission for the prologue stage. But it turned out, that there was an emergency intermission for the Inferno Stage! A hole developed in the volcano and X and the others are needed to see how deep it goes. It was almost 2am. I said, why the hell not, this will be the last thing I do before I stop playing for the night. I chose Zero, and big mistake. HE doesn’t run as fast as the other characters because he is carrying his saber with him. Ergh, sloooowww! After a few times with Zero, I tried X with his new foot parts and I can definitely feel the difference in the speed. He got more metals than Zero too. After those, I had enough and stopped playing for the night.

This game is so much fun! One of these days though, I’d like to return to Mega Man X3 or Mega Man X4 again. I love the music and game play for both.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pac-Man Zero

Yeah, another stupid doodle.  After I drew it within two minutes I found it very hilarious .

May 27, 2011 by Amethyst Anne
Zero belongs to CAPCOM
Pac-Man belongs to NAMCO

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mega Man X8 on May 27

Yay!!! Axl never disappoints me. :3  Mega Man X8 is fun because of him.

I’ve defeated a couple more Mavericks in this session: Earthrock Trilobite and Burn Rooster. I also acquired some parts for X’s armor.

I found the Neutral Armor in the Optic Sunflower stage. I needed Axl’s help because it might have required his hovering skills to get to the area where it was. There was a barrier blocking access to the capsule. Alia tells Axl and X that they need something that can break it, and I immediately figured that it was X’s gravity weapon that would do the trick. So I tried it, and it worked! :)  I’ve been wondering what those things were because they didn’t look like capsules I would recognize in the earlier Mega Man X games. So after getting to this first capsule, X got the Neutral Armor and Buster Part H.

I knew where another capsule was, so after this, I exited the stage (since I beat the maverick here) and went right to the Prologue stage. I brought X in with his Neutral Armor and of course, Axl my boo. In this capsule X gets Buster Part I. The Dr. Light hologram tells X that this chip can allow him to power up his special weapons into charge attacks. That is gonna be swwweeeeeeeeeet! I’ve tried out the ones I have and I can't wait to have X put them to practical use!  I feel good when I figure out which of the special weapons works on a difficult ememy or barrier.

Oooo, I love Axl’s rainbow attack weapon. I forgot what it’s called (I should have taken notes last time. Next time I’ll just write down the attacks that all the characters have up to the point I’ve played.). When Axl shoots, it bounces off walls and gets enemies that are hard to reach from an awkward angle. Its three shots at a time though, but after a second Axl can shoot more. Again, Axl has proved very valuable in this video game. WHY DON’T PEOPLE LIKE AXL?!!!

Again, when I write down the weapons Axl/X/Zero got, I’ll update this post :)

EDIT 6/4 :  Here they are!

Here are the weapons I got for each character up to this point:

• X-Buster

• Shining Ray

• Squeeze Bomb

• Shadow Runner

• Melt Creeper

• Crystal Wall

• Green Spinner


• Axl’s Weapon

• Ray Gun

• Spiral Magnum

• Black Arrow

• Flame Burner

• Bound Blaster

• Blast Launcher

• Copy shot


• Zero’s Weapon

• Tonshouha

• Juuhazan

• Rasetsusen

• Enkoujin

• Rekkyoudan

• Youdantotsu

Friday, May 13, 2011

Dreaming About Video Games Again

I dreamed that I was playing another Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII video game as Vincent Valentine, and there were always bullets flying toward him. I had Vincent do all kinds of evasive manuvers just to get hit by as low as one out of every eighth bullet. It was some kind of hard mode or something.

Am I dreaming about this game because I miss it? I do want to watch the scenes again. Vincent is a cool-enough character to get his own game like Cloud Strife. Of course that is my own opinion.

Also, NiGHTS appeared in my dreams in some shape or form, twice in a row (adjacent nights).

That reminds me: Lynne Triplett (aka TRiPPY) from NiGHTS into is including fan art for the NiGHTS into Dreams and NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams games into the website. I am so excited to see the art work there and I kept squealing and squeeing with delight at how wonderful these drawings are. I plan to submit some artwork of my own, but I will have to wait til later. I mean, I can start drawing now (or soon), but I need to wait until the existing fan art has been posted from the old website to the new/current website so that she is not more overwhelmed than she already is :D I am patient and can cook up some NiGHTS and Reala fan art of my own so that they are ready when the time comes to submit them later.

Here's the link if you wanna check out the art work for NiGHTS into Dreams:

Here's the link for fan art of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams:

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! NiGHTS! SQUEEEEEEEEE......!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Mega Man X is happy that Amethyst Anne
has returned to playing his video game series.

When it comes to playing Mega Man X8, Axl is my boo.

It was time I finally returned to playing a video game in the Mega Man X series. I think I need a break from Dissidia Final Fantasy, as fun as that game can be. My love for the Mega Man X series has weakened the longer I went without playing any of it.

The last time I tried Mega Man X8  (MMX 8 here for was sometime last year in February. I was trying out the game to make sure it was a working copy, since it was used and in very good condition. It worked like a charm; however I started the game in NORMAL mode, so it wasn’t impossible, but it was frustrating. I never made it past the prologue stage, and I was still getting used to Axl’s controls.

Well, when I started this game again, I chose EASY mode. And I went to the Options Menu to change a couple of button controls for the controller configuration. I wanted to switch characters using the R2 button because I am used to switching weapons on other games with that button. I kept the “switch weapons” control to its original L1/R1 buttons. It made the tag-team game play so much easier. I usually, er, maybe never changed configuration for video game controllers, but I wanted to make things easier for myself if I wanted to have fun with this game. I am also pleased that the game play is side-scrolling style, yet the game play’s graphics are in 2.5D and the colors are very vivid and rich. I’d like to think that the voice acting is decent, especially with Lucas Gilbertson’s Zero being just right for him. Axl’s and X’s voices are agreeable to me as well.

Everyone starts out already having the DASH move! Yippeeeeee!

I was so excited to play as Axl, the third Reploid in the Mega Man X threesome…0.O I almost always choose Axl first when I go through the Character Select. I didn’t even get to play this character in MMX: Command Mission yet, so I was so happy I could play as Axl from the very beginning. Here are some reasons why I love playing as Axl in MMX 8 (and why he should have been popular):

• Auto-shooting (non-stop bullets)

• Auto-shooting in ANY direction

• Great chance of large-numbered combos during attacks

• Weapon and Special Weapons don’t use Weapon Energy

• Hovering

• Hovering + shooting

• Hovering  + moving

• He’s just so awesome.

The Options Screen has such beautiful, calming music, much like music that helps promote brain waves that can help a listener fall asleep. It is a good change from always having loud or fast music in the levels or the results screen. I don’t need to change anything else in the game, so I occasionally go to the Options Screen just to listen to that relaxing music :D  MMX 8 has a great music soundtrack. I fell in love with the music track used for the Bamboo Pandamonium stage.

Here are the stages in which I’ve beaten the bosses so far in my personal order:

• Bamboo Pandamoniom

• Optic Sunflower

• Graviy Antonion

• Dark Mantis

I still need to find X’s Neutral Armor and some items that I can’t seem to find now. I am getting the hang of playing as Zero since he wields the Z-Saber instead of shooting. I enjoy playing as all three characters, and as I’ve said, I love playing as Axl most of all because of his hover ability and endless weapon energy. Sometimes I have to decide that a stage can do without Axl, and X needs some more fighting to do together with his buddy-pal Zero. I have a suggestion though: use Axl and Zero in the Avalanche Yeti stage because they have the best shooting weapons for the stage. This stage is also a good way tol collect lots and lots of Metals. Those Metals are important for creating things call Power Chips that enhance X, Zero and Axl on their missions.

I am going to be having a lot of fun with this game :)  So I will write more about it in the near future as I play further into the game.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dissidia on April 23 and 30 + Getting Ready for Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

Sorry for the looooooooong wait, guys. =P

I’ve been reading up on DDFF (from The and FFU) and I am very pleased about the additional goodies that come with the sequel to Dissidia Final Fantasy. Man, I am wayyyy behind. I am on Chapter 3 of Shade Impulse and left off needing to level up Zidane and a few other heroes.

I haven’t touched Squall and Tidus, probably because they are my least favorite heroes fighting for Cosmos. If I ever do, it may be only to see their side of the story of Dissidia. I had just finished Onion Knight’s DO on April 30th and it was really easy for me, considering that he was near level 20 when I began. I am starting to understand why Terra is with the Chaos group on the cover of  Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy (DDFF). And Tidus, I’ll see. What I really want to know is why Cloud is standing next to Sephiroth in the Chaos half of the box art for DDFF. Poor Cloud, he doesn’t know what he wants to do. At this point, my guess is that Cloud will have to be a character that can be unlocked once certain requirements are met. That was how it was for the villains in this first game.

I am afraid to read reviews of the game because I don’t want much of the story to be disclosed to me. I guess it’s my fault for not playing the game frequently enough to be almost done by now. I know there are other games I can rent or buy, but as a Dissidia fan I cannot miss out on this, and the next big game I am excited about may not even be release by the end of this year (I’m talkin’ Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and maybe Metal Gear Solid: Rising).

I am giving myself more time to finish the first Dissidia. It might be the only video game I get to for the next couple of months. In the meanwhile, besides updating my progress, I will respond to the occasional video game news or reminisce about another game I’ve played in the past. Possible upcoming topics may be:

FFVII remake for PSP 2?

• More thoughts about Dissidia Duodecim

• My introduction to Square Enix continues: FFVII

• News from FF Versus

• Return to the world of NiGHTS

• Reminisce about my excitement about Jak II

• Video game-related dreams

• Video game YouTube videos

EDIT:  There may be more topics than this.  See the next post. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dissidia: Final Fantasy on April 5 + Gaming Habits

The next Destiny Odyssey I will tackle next is that of the Onion Knight.  But on this Bonus Day I just focused on leveling up characters again.  It is a good day to do that.  I’d rather not play a DO on a Bonus Day just in case I have to replay a whole story again and lose all of the EXP and Gil that way.  So here is the level-up progress on my faves from that last playing session:

• Warrior of Light………..42, from 39

• Firion……………………47, from 45

• Zidane…………………...50, from 48

• Cloud…………………….47, from 45

• Bartz……………………..33

• Onion Knight…………….16, from 13

I need to talk about something else now, actually.  I haven’t been touching my PS2 lately. I’m not tired of it; there are just less opportunities for me to get to it. I use the PSP more frequently (if it has enough battery power in it, of course ;p ) I am saying something about this because I am afraid my blog might be running out of steam if all I play are the few PSP titles that I have.  Sigh.  I am going to make an effort to get to the PS2 or Wii games.  Maybe even the one PS3 game that I do have, Devil May Cry 4.  I am stuck in that game and will have to give myself an hour or an hour and a half to figure out what the hell Nero is supposed to do there in that castle place.  I could find tips or just get the strategy guide for the game but I got through DMC 3 without the help of a guide.  So why not DMC 4?  And don’t get me started on DMC: Devil May Cry…….

Okay, now I am rambling on and on. Back to Dissidia. I saved a couple of battles of Cloud vs. Sephiroth, where I had Cloud pull off some good blocks and dodges from the Masamune sword.  Sigh again.  I need to upload these vids on my YouTube channel.  Now to get them on my computer, hopefully if this can work.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sonic Rivals 2 on March 31st

Ha ha haaahh...I wondered why I didn’t get back to this game for a while, and then I realized it’s because this game made me temporarily hate Sonic the Hedgehog.  After reading the Sonic the Hedgehog comic books from Archie Comics Publications, Inc, I was in a SEGA mood.  Issues 215 and 216 have a lot of Silver the Hedgehog, so I felt like playing the only video game I have that contains Silver: Sonic Rivals 2.

I warmed up by playing a singular player race and then a free play to get used to the controls and the setting of the game.  Then I wanted to continue Silver’s story in the game, which is next to Espio the Chameleon.  It was right where I left off; Silver and Sonic were going to compete in a challenge where the one who captures and collects the most Chao wins.  Well, Sonic knew what he was doing, but Silver/I didn’t.  Whenever I stole Sonic’s Chao, it didn’t count because I had to have Silver take back his own Chao from Sonic.  In all, Silver had to have collected six Chao; three of his own and three of Sonic's Chao.  It took a few more losses to learn that was what I had to do.  I can't believe I didn't learn that last time I got to the game, which was how long ago, exactly....?  Maybe at least four months ago?

What happened after that, what next, what next…Shadow had to compete against Sonic to beat the boss, Dr. Eggman, with the most hits. After a couple of times I got it.  Next, Espio wanted to get info from Tails, but Tails said, “I don’t know. I gotta run and catch up with Sonic.  See ya!” Espio had to race against Tails and win the race, or, beat Tails to the end of the race so he can ask Sonic more questions.  Espio is not really a fast runner :( and I got fed up so I stopped the story and chose Silver to search for Chao in Act 1 of Zone 1.

I got a Mephiles card at some point during my playing session.  I know he’s from Sonic ’06. Hah, I dunno if I am ever going to play that game after all.

Silver's growing on me, though.  It's more because of the comic books, not the video game.

Friday, April 1, 2011

LITERAL Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Trailer

Sorry I've been a bit behind...or lazy...with writing about my gaming.  I played Phantasy Star IV on the PSP's SEGA Genesis Collection and I also played Sonic Rivals 2 just Wednesday afternoon.  In the meanwhile, here is another one of my favorite LITERALs from YouTube's Toby Turner.  You can visit his YT channel at .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

LITERAL Halo Reach: Trailer

I remember this trailer for Halo: Reach and the music is so cinematic and inspiring. It must be why I enjoyed this YouTube video so much. I've already added it to my favorites :)

I love the singing, and the lyrics are so literal and funny! I've never played Halo: Reach and I still laughed a lot. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dissidia on February 25th and March 5th

Yeah, I think Zidane is ready to continue Shade Impulse chapter 1 about now. He is currently level 47, from 45. I think he was in the mid-30s when I tried before. I finished Bartz’s Destiny Odyssey this past Saturday and it left me in a really good mood, in fact quite bubbly for the rest of the evening! ^__^

• Cloud….42, from 41

• Zidane….47, from 45

• Bartz….32

• Sasuke (I mean, Cecil Harvey)…..4, from 3

• Kuja…..23

• Onion Knight…...11, from 8

I realize that Dissidia Duodecim (012) Final Fantasy will be released within a month, but I won’t be buying it anytime too soon. And frankly I don’t care much about those special downloads people can get if they preorder the game from Game Stop or Amazon or whatever. Do the characters have to have four or five different outfits to be successful? I like many options as much as the next guy, but I just want to keep it simple for myself.

Oh!!! I saved three battles. One of them is a very tense battle between Cloud and you guessed it Sephiroth. But I won’t say whether I’ve lost or won; I am planning on sharing it on my YouTube channel once I OPEN THAT DARN USB CABLE (for the PSP) PLASTIC BOX THAT IS VERY IMPOSSIBLE TO OPEN WITH ANYTHING!!! Hey, why don’t I just get an electric chainsaw to open it, right? Hah hah haha.

Speaking of hah hah haha, during that session I played as Kuja versus Kuja. So after I won the battle, he poses and then he says, “I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nostalgia: Mega Man X on March 1st

On Tuesday, I returned to Mega Man X. It has been a really long time since I played a Mega Man X game, so after a short hour of playing the game my thumbs were feeling overused. I beat four bosses; Chill Penguin, Launch Octopus, Storm Eagle, and Sting Chameleon.

I tried to get through Flame Mammoth first, but the level was too difficult without the leg upgrade. So after some failed attempts, I skipped over to Chill Penguin because I remembered that the leg upgrade was in that stage. It helps soooo much.

I tried Armored Armadillo next, and got a sub-tank, but didn’t beat the boss. So then I had X go over to the Spark Mandrill, and I wasn’t lucky in that one either. Annoyed, I went to Launch Octopus and got a heart tank and defeated him with the help of the sub-tank I got earlier.

Next I went to Storm Eagle’s stage and got a Mega Head (extra life :D), the helmet upgrade and defeated that boss. After that I went to Sting Chameleon and got the body armor, another Mega Head, and defeated Sting Chameleon with the torpedo weapon. Then I called it a session.

My hands are rusty having not played a Mega Man X game for a few months.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

One-Year Anniversary of Playing Mega Man X

It was the 24th or so of February. That was the first day that my sister and I played Mega Man X for the first time. The game had been out for long time by then, but we were only then just getting into it. I was so excited, learning about the Mega Man X story and getting used to the controls for the game. The graphics were bright and colorful and the music for many of the levels was catchy.

We were in third grade when this video game series started. We were loyal Sonic the Hedgehog fans, so we didn’t dare consider getting a whole different console to play other video games. But a certain video game magazine allowed us to learn some things about this new Mega Man series. A Santa Claus-looking scientist portrayed by a blue light; a Mega Man with white armor; and Mega Man X changing colors depending on the weapon he has equipped. I don’t remember being familiar with the classis/old school Mega Man during that time. Oh, there was a Mega Man Soccer game for the SNES (?), I believe, and THAT was the classic Mega Man because Roll was in it. The design for the video game however looked like that of Mega Man X, though. Odd. :D

We were curious about this Mega Man X, but again, we didn’t intend to stray from Sonic the Hedgehog, so for the next several years, (1994 to 2002) we were only SEGA/Sonic girls. It was either Nintendo or SEGA during those years.

Thank goodness for the Playstation 2, right?

Playstation 2 opened up our options. We can play PS2 video games, AND we can play Playstation video games as long as we had the corresponding memory card for that type of game. That’s how after Kingdom Hearts I was able to play the original Final Fantasy VII, for which I had to buy a set of 3 PS1 memory cards. Playstation 2 allowed me to try other genres of video games; adventure, action, eventually fighters.

Sis and I didn’t pay attention to when the Mega Man X Collection was released. We ignored it or missed it. The part of us that would be Mega Man fans was kept deep inside where it would be hard to let it out.

I am glad that we didn’t miss out on Mega Man X after all. Yeah it’s a 2-D video game but it has enough charm to amuse a new Mega Man fan.

But really, I have to thank Nintendo Power magazine for the preview on the Mega Man Zero Collection. That is how this whole craze began: we found out from there that Zero, originally from Mega Man X, is a “super-powered robot,” and all this time we didn’t know that Mega Man, X, and Zero were robots (we thought they were humans with super-powered armor and weapon instead). It just made our interest in the franchise even stronger! Mine especially, since I was already fascinated with cybernetic characters.

In wanting to understand this fascination, I started a new blog. Getting into the Mega Man X video games was a push that I needed to start Cybernetic Dreams, my blog about my fascination with robots, androids and cyborgs. Why am I so interested in robots, especially robots that are (or are not) capable of demonstrating human emotions? The same goes for androids. Cyborgs too; I am interested in how a human can be part machine. I don’t really write much about the Mega Man X series in Cybernetic Dreams, but someday I should. Just because Mega Man X is a robot.   :)

Whew, long post @.@

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Return to Dissidia Final Fantasy on February 1st and 5th


It has been OVER A MONTH since I laid my fingers on my PSP, to play Dissidia no less, considering it is a video game I haven’t finished. Will probably not completely finish, considering the other video games I still have to finish up. I haven’t even finished the original FF VII, yet I watched FF VII: ACC, finished Dirge of Cerberus (the main game, anyway) and finished Crisis Core: FF VII just over the month ago.

Anyway, it was good to return to Dissidia on a Bonus Day Tuesday, leveling up one of the characters very well, in fact. I gave Zidane a big boost.

• Bartz-------------------29, from 28

• Zidane-----------------45, from 42

• Cloud------------------42, from 41

• Firion------------------41, from 37

• Warrior of Light-----37, from 35

As I was playing as Cloud in his Alternate form, I made a sort of mistake by not customizing Sephiroth’s stats (yes…I had Cloud fight against Sephiroth again, okay? Sheesh :D) So he was not impossible against my Cloud but hard enough that in four battles in a row I did not win. Just before he lost the third battle I said, “Poor baby!!” What? Why did I say that? Cloud’s stronger than that.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Should I Play Final Fantasy XIII? Also: Versus XIII Game Play

I recently found out from the Final Fantasy Union website that there is going to be a sequel to Final Fantasy XIII, and it’s apparently named for now Final Fantasy XIII-2.

I have a demo of FF XIII that comes with the Blu-Ray for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. I’ve never tried the demo yet. But I want to, because I don’t want to at least miss out on that. I haven’t finished FF XII, but it is a very different story so I am not going to worry about that (I should still return to it though. I mean, I bought it, I have to finish it at some point :D ).

Now that I know that there is going to be a sequel to this latest FF, I am curious as to how it turned out in the end that made it seem like it should have a second part.

I also decided to check out another one of my favorite websites, and I found that there is some new game play footage released. This is the new trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII for 2011. To be honest, I am relieved that the subtitles for the dialogue are still in Japanese kanji; I don’t want the dialogue/plot stuff to be revealed right away anyway. I got a big kick out of the game play content that the trailer included. It looks so fun to play—probably because the workings for it are very similar to the game play action from the main Kingdom Hearts titles. There is some real-time stuff that happens during the game-play (like explosions) and Noctis reacts to them simultaneously. So cool!! This video game is THE REASON I wanted to have a Playstation 3.

Here is a direct link to where I found the 2011 trailer for FF Versus XIII:

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year, New Habits

The New Year has started and I don’t think I even touched my PS2 or my PSP so far. Maybe I needed a break from gaming? I dunno. It is still one of my favorite pastimes. I guess after finishing Crisis Core near the end of last year, I feel like, “Gosh is there any other video game as good as this?”

I need to return to the list of games I started but haven’t finished yet. That should get me started. Of course, that will include Mega Man X: Command Mission and Mega Man X8.   I probably shouldn't buy any more new video games until I finish at least five of the ones I already have  :D !  And Dissidia: FF is going to keep me busy on the PSP for a long while.

Other Video Games I Haven’t Played in a Long While That I Should Return To

Sonic Unleashed (the latest Sonic Game I have)

Final Fantasy XII (I’m supposed to be in the Stilshrine Miriam now…)

Sonic Rivals 2 (Stupid elusive Chao…stupid Sonic…LET SHADOW WIN!!)

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Why do I neglect NiGHTS so?)

Devil May Cry 4 (Yeah…because I only just started it.)

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (uh, yeah…this game too)

Lately I've been having dreams that included Cloud Strife, even Zack Fair,  and/or Vincent Valentine.  The graphics were as good as FFVII: Advent Children Complete.  I feel like even though I've sort of already finished Dirge of Cerberus: FFVII, I should give the Extra Missions a try.  The extra missions in Crisis Core seem more appealing to me though (more than the ones in Dirge of Cerberus).  That could be because I am not that good at aiming Vincent's Cerberus at things.  I just make him shoot and hope that the target mark stays where it's supposed to so that he gets a hit.    I should just go for it and give Vincent's game a chance again.  That mysterious Vincent...I am all of a sudden interested in his mysteriousness again.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

In a Final Fantasy VII Mood ^8^

As I’ve said, I am in a Final Fantasy VII craze phase. I found my copy of the FFVII OST and imported my favorite tunes from the game into my iTunes library. My number one tracks are “Holding My Thoughts in my Heart,” “Anxious Heart,” “Life Stream,” “Tifa’s Theme,” “Highwind Takes to the Skies,” among others. I like “Aeris’ Theme” too; I just avoid it most of the time. “Cait Sith’s Theme” always makes me smile and snap my fingers! “Sandy Badlands” has been stuck in my head multiple times last year.

Aside from listening to music from the original Final Fantasy VII, I am thinking about buying the OST for Crisis Core: FFVII, maybe within the next couple of months. I have some new iTunes credit, so I won’t feel guilty buying it. I’ll see.

Now the more interesting part: I have been watching funny videos/dubs of either game on YouTube. The guys at The are doing a play through of the original game while providing commentary at the same time. It’s interesting listening to what they have to say about the story and characters. But what I really enjoyed though is the hilarious videos on YouTube coming from a group of young comedians SonsofSatire.  I noticed that they have a parody dub of Crisis Core. I watched up to Chapter 12 of that series, called Crisis Core Dub Parody. Then I found out that SonsofSatire also are working on a parody dub of Final Fantasy VII, called Final Fantasy VII: The Abridged Series. I’m like Hell yeah I wanna check that out! And I’m glad I did. I LOVED episode one. Every intro is slightly different (Kyol who voices Cloud sings different lyrics for the beginning song each episode).

I found out SonsofSatire also did a parody dub of Last Order: FFVII, but I think I should stay away from that until I’ve seen it one more time. I’ve seen it twice already, but that was maybe over a year and a half ago.

Also I am curious about the CloudxZack doujinshi scans on YouTube. ‘Nuff said about that.

Noseless Cloud is getting more attention from me. I always keep him on my bed, but for two nights so far, I found myself holding his plush hand for comfort. I give him more squeeshy hugs.

Here is the first episode of both the Crisis Core Dub Parody and Final Fantasy VII The Abridged Series.


I almost died laughing after this one XD!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Reflections on Finishing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

THERE ARE SPOILERS.  So if you haven't finished the game, skip reading this post.

So, it’s been eleven days since I finished this game. I had to give myself some distance from watching the ending since I was still a bit sensitive about it. Yes, I cried, I believe I said that already did I? I didn’t sob, but the tears kept coming during the ending scene and through the end credits.

I left off right before Zack was to enter the Portal called the Light of Doom. So I ended up going ahead and going to where Zack felt Genesis was. First there was a scene, and then the battle begins. Even if Zack has the Libra materia equipped, the number of Genesis’ HP doesn’t show. I just had to keep attacking and attacking. And not at Genesis directly: for this battle, his sword is the weakness. He doesn’t have it low enough for Zack to hit it all the time. And if that’s not enough, there are minions that try to slow down Zack’s progress of defeating Genesis. Sigh, this battle is going to go on forever, is it?!! I wouldn’t even know how finished I am since his HP won’t show. I kept using my Dark Firaga spell and Cissnei gave Zack the Lucky Stars ability multiple times. I used up my magic points quickly because Dark Firaga takes around 32 or so points at a time. Luckily I had plenty of Ether I gathered over time to help me out. I used an Elixir to save Zack’s life as well. Cloud was a good boy and helped out Zack as well, along with Angeal and, uh, Aeris.

Genesis actually helped out Zack in the DMW. How IRONIC is that for this battle?

After some time that I didn’t take into account, I finally won this fight against Genesis. But I only thought I was done; there was yet another fight Zack needed to win against Genesis. At least this time I can see his max HP: 99,999. WOW. The battle was speedy because I used Dark Firaga. I forgot if Graviga was effective or not. I would have to play the battle again and see. But the fight went very fast for me, too fast in fact.

I realized to my horror there were no more save points since the point right before the battles with Genesis. At this point I believe I’d finish the game that night. Looking back at it now, I see that it was not necessary to have any more save points. There would be no more game to play afterwards. It turned out I was right.

After another few scenes come up, and before I knew it, Zack was on the truck already. I said out loud, “Oh no, ohhh no, here it is.” All I could do was watch on. So I did.

Turns out, there is one more battle Zack still needs to do. And the developers (and Tetsuya Nomura, I have to guess) decided that he’d give players the experience of fighting Zack’s last battle, the one against the Shinra soldiers. This battle was very different though. As Zack fought, his DMW seemed to be malfunctioning. I thought that was really weird, but then I think it makes sense what the developers were trying to do making the DMW unavailable. I mean, it still appeared, but some characters were missing and there were no matches. Pretty much the only thing that the characters in the DMW did to help was Zack’s memory of them, saying to “hang on” and “don’t give up.” I believe it was Cloud who said “hang on,” but again I didn’t take notes.  :(  I think Zack was too distracted for the DMW to work properly, not to mention that he fought bunch after bunch after bunch of soldiers with no end in sight. I found a really good comment from someone on The who explained the significance of the DMW’s malfunction. I responded to his comment, agreeing with him and thanking him (I put myself there as “Sara,” by the way).

LINK:  (This is the title of the post in which I responded to a comment in The

I knew what was going to happen, but I wanted to have Zack fight as long as he can, because I wanted to fight as long as I can. I used my most powerful materia, slashed again and again, healed Zack again and again, and dodged attacks. I did everything in my power. There was just too many of those soldiers, and I felt as overwhelmed as Zack must have felt. I personally was fighting for Cloud, but as well as for him, Zack also fought for SOLDIER honor. It was just so touching to be involved in that part of the game, in this part of the story.

The last wave of soldiers was very difficult, with the DMW almost gone. I lasted as long as I did, and then it was the end of it. And then this rookie infantryman just had to walk up to Zack and look down at him, like “I’m going to fill you with more bullets,” and I was so angry. I saw it happen in the original game, but in full FMV from Zack’s point of view, it was so frustrating. There was nothing that could be done. Zack was trapped.

As for the finishing scene, well, I don’t have to tell you much about that at the moment. I always cry when best friends are separated by death, and that was the most painful example of it.   Maybe I’ll do an analysis of the ending scene of Crisis Core sometime in the future, after watching it again. There is so much to say about it and this post is long enough already :D Sigh.

Thus I am in a Final Fantasy VII craze phase.
