Friday, April 8, 2011

Dissidia: Final Fantasy on April 5 + Gaming Habits

The next Destiny Odyssey I will tackle next is that of the Onion Knight.  But on this Bonus Day I just focused on leveling up characters again.  It is a good day to do that.  I’d rather not play a DO on a Bonus Day just in case I have to replay a whole story again and lose all of the EXP and Gil that way.  So here is the level-up progress on my faves from that last playing session:

• Warrior of Light………..42, from 39

• Firion……………………47, from 45

• Zidane…………………...50, from 48

• Cloud…………………….47, from 45

• Bartz……………………..33

• Onion Knight…………….16, from 13

I need to talk about something else now, actually.  I haven’t been touching my PS2 lately. I’m not tired of it; there are just less opportunities for me to get to it. I use the PSP more frequently (if it has enough battery power in it, of course ;p ) I am saying something about this because I am afraid my blog might be running out of steam if all I play are the few PSP titles that I have.  Sigh.  I am going to make an effort to get to the PS2 or Wii games.  Maybe even the one PS3 game that I do have, Devil May Cry 4.  I am stuck in that game and will have to give myself an hour or an hour and a half to figure out what the hell Nero is supposed to do there in that castle place.  I could find tips or just get the strategy guide for the game but I got through DMC 3 without the help of a guide.  So why not DMC 4?  And don’t get me started on DMC: Devil May Cry…….

Okay, now I am rambling on and on. Back to Dissidia. I saved a couple of battles of Cloud vs. Sephiroth, where I had Cloud pull off some good blocks and dodges from the Masamune sword.  Sigh again.  I need to upload these vids on my YouTube channel.  Now to get them on my computer, hopefully if this can work.

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