R.I.P. Electronic Gaming Monthly.
I used to subscribe to two monthly video game magazines: Playstation the Official Magazine and EGM. Unfortunately with EGM ceasing publication after January, I only got the Playstation magazine. Then as time went by I forgot that I hardly knew anything about Nintendo games. And this was when my Internet accessat home was limited.
A few months later (June) I was sent the July issue of Maxim with actress Olivia Wilde on the cover. A sticker on the cover said, "Welcome to Maxim! This note is to inform you that Electrinc Gaming Monthly has ceased publishing with the January 2009 issue. The balance of your paid subscription will be fulfilled with Maxim," blah blah blah...
I had just sent a check for renewal of my sub to EGM and Maxim is what I get. I couldn't have a choice in the matter? Maxim couldn't tell by my name on the mailing label that I wouldn't be a good candidate as a subscriber to their magazine? (though I enjoyed the Lady GaGa photos and interview. Guilty!) Well, that money I sent to the non-existing EGM could be well spent for something I will actually READ. So a couple of weeks ago I found an issue of Nintendo Power when I went grocery shopping with my dad, and I decided, You know what, I need this. This is what will fill the Nintendo void that EGM can't do anymore. I still love to get my gaming info(previews, reviews, letters) from magazines so I'll know what games I want to look up when I want to go online to see trailers or something like that.
I was able to get a refund check from Maxim, and I'll use that money to "pay myself back" for the other magazine. So now the two gaming magazines I subscribe to are Playstation the Official Magazine and Nintendo Power. I am interested in Nintendo titles like Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (even though I can't play that one for lack of a DS), and maybe another RPG game or two. Maybe a Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution fighting game to play against my Naruto-fan sister.
Vladimir Vykos
Commissioned Vampire: the Masquerade Character Portrait This was a surprise
gift commission from one player to another which made it a challenge. Vlad
is a...
4 weeks ago
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