I don't know if I'll ever get a PS3, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to know more about the upcoming games for that console, namely the game Final Fantasy Versus XIII. I can't help it; I'm fascinated with the main character for FF Versus XIII because the character design is also by Tetsuya Nomura, as he was for Cloud Strife. Also his hair style reminds me of Cloud too. Those mopey boys! Er...men.
I recently visited FF-VersusXIII.net to find out if this main character has a name yet. It wasn't revealed for a long time, but I found out there that his name is Noctis. [Squeals!] His entire name is in Latin, and when it's something like this I go CRAZY! These Final Fantasy makers love to come up with odd names for our heroes, huh? I mean, the main character's name for Final Fantasy XIII is Lightning, which is a code name according to FF XIII.net.
What would happen if Cloud and Noctis were in the same story? Would they be friends? Tetsuya Nomura has a thing for mopey male characters with black clothes with zippers, doesn't he? Hm...
I won't say Noctis' full name here, so if you are curious enough then check it out for yourself. Then stay and enjoy reading on more information about this game. I dunno if there will be many more updates, but it's still fun to read.
The Siren
In the Deep Sea A deep sea siren floats in the water, dappled light passes
through the water. She is surrounded by her three bioluminescent sea
1 week ago
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