Monday, August 16, 2010

Devil May Cry 4: My first session, August 10th

Devil May Cry 4 is going to be my very first video game that has “Sexual Themes” in its content (which is one of the reasons why it’s rated “M” for mature). The only other rated M game I played myself was Devil May Cry 3.

I put the disc in the PS3 and expected that there would be a data install that would take about ten to fifteen minutes. It was neat; the song from the game’s soundtrack “Out of Darkness” played as the screen showed text and images of the Devil May Cry series. That’s nice. But that song played at least six times, so it was stuck in my head when I went to bed. Hah. Sounds like a Christmas song.

Anyway I had to sit closer to the TV than I am usually used to, since the cord for the PS3 controller is short. I could go for wireless, but we stuck with the controller that was provided, so it will have to do. Those things are $60 a pop, like the former “next-gen” video games on their release dates.

After the game data was installed, there was a trailer that showed before the title screen appeared. It’s a really cool trailer in my opinion, but I was afraid it was almost going to show the whole game before I can play it. I like the song that was playing in the background though; I am hoping I can find it in the game’s soundtrack in iTunes. Soon I chose New Game and had to choose between Human and Demon Hunter. As much as I probably would have enjoyed being in Demon Hunter mode since I am almost veteran at DMC gaming, I chose Human mode to make it easier on myself, and I use Automatic so that combos are easier to reach. Hey, I’ll try the harder stuff later when I’ve beaten the game once, but I at least want to get through it to see the story unfold.

There’s so much action in this game. It’s been pretty much all action. I enjoyed watching the fight between Nero and Dante in the beginning. I though it was interesting when they locked legs and shot at each other (is this where the “sexual themes” in the game come in???). It was like an acrobatic act with violence. I read the instruction manual for the game some time ago, so it was very helpful that there was a tutorial. I always enable the tutorial. It reminds me which moves Nero can do, and also which orbs are for what:

Red Orb: For buying items. I always like to break objects that look breakable because Dante or Nero (depending on if it’s DMC 3 or DMC 4) can always use as many red orbs as possible. Those benches in the church looked so nice—but I had to destroy them if I wanted a boost in red orbs. Ha.

Gold Orb: Revives Nero or Dante back to life at the spot where they died. I hardly use those. I want to use them only in an emergency. Otherwise I prefer to continue from the last checkpoint. I think I can collect more red orbs this way.

Blue Orb: Extends Nero’s life capacity. I guess Dante’s too. I have to find them in four fragments. Otherwise if I have Red Orbs to spare then I can get one that way. The special secret missions reward Nero with a Blue Orb fragment. I’ll try to find as many of those as possible, at least one in every mission. The secret missions are indicated by a piece of paper stabbed to a wall or pillar.

Green Orbs: Heals Nero or Dante. It’s my favorite type of orb, next to the Red Orbs. They are usually small, but there is also big ones every once in a while.

I also like the Mission Menu, where I can either go to the next mission or replay another mission to get more red orbs and a better score. Oh yeah, that’s right. The scores. I got as far as Atomic A, and it really helps to do a variety of attacks. I like how D is for Deadly, so that it makes me not feel so bad about getting a low killing score on those demon puppets. I’m getting the hang of Nero’s Devil Bringer. It’s also so cool to watch him fly when he uses the Devil Bringer on the Grim Grips. He goes like, Whoooosh!

I left off right before Mission 3. In the second half of Nero’s battle against Berial, I found out he can grab on to a horn (or something) and attack him from there. I almost thought, “Okay so he’s a fire beast, so I should get my ice weapon so he’ll…oh wait, that’s Mega Man X or something.  Or isn't it wind against fire?

Which reminds me, the next time I get to a console game it will be Mega Man X4. I still have to post about my last session with that game…

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