Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crisis Core on August 19th

Yeah, I finally returned to Crisis Core, only to not finish the darn game. Yet.

It was a long while ago…June, was it…that I left off with Zack walking into Gongaga and meeting Cissnei there. They have a conversation about Zack’s folks, and then Cissnei gives Zack and Cloud time to run.

I didn’t explore too much around Gongaga since I left off there last time. This time I gave Zack a chance to run his butt around the town and get some goodies like, uh, I should have noted what they were, exactly. It was nice not needing to do any fighting for a short while. Then I took Zack to the end of the Gongaga hills and well, Genesis returns and there’s more plot. Genesis seems to have silvery white hair, and for a split second he might remind one of Dante from DMC fame.

Zack has to return to Cloud, so I had to have him retrace his steps back to where he left him. He had to face group after group of monsters along the way, though. When he reaches Cloud, he’s surrounded by the bad guys, and then another familiar character comes in. Gosh, why am I so afraid to tell the details of these events????  I don't like to be the jerk that spoils major plot items.

Zack is in Banora now, Genesis’ birthplace. I reached the underground area, and I was lucky to have a save point when I did. Wow, a damn lot happens before their last stand. I paused moving further along in the story of the game and just went ahead to level up Zack again, to see if I could.  I did: he is level 45 now, from 44. I am guessing Zack has to fight Genesis again, so maybe I ought to level him up a few more levels, no?

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