During last year's holiday season I received Sonic Unleashed as a gift from my parents. It was a game I wanted, but I wasn't sure about buying it myself. It turned out that I got it as a gift and I was so grateful to them for getting it for me. Actually, the game was for both me and my sister, but I'm pretty much the only sibling playing that game whenever I get to it.
This holiday season, I got two games. One and a half, I guess. For the both of us my mom gave me a game for the Wii called Deal or No Deal. Ah heh heh. Not what I expected (she is almost clueless as to what taste in games I have) but I think it might be fun because I can use a custom-made Mii, and I have an idea who I can try out. It'll be hilarious. I have Wide-Eye-Guy. I'll give him a try. I guess it's a break from games with familiar characters like Naruto or Cloud...
Yes I said Cloud. Obviously my sister knows exactly what my taste in video games is. She gave me Dissidia: Final Fantasy !!!!! 8O OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I sqealed with joyyyy! I wanted to buy that game since August when it was released, but I was still working on Crisis Core (and still at it) and I was afraid to get Dissidia in case it will keep me from completing my first ever PSP game. The extra bonus with this gift was that she ordered the Dissidia: Final Fantasy strategy guide as well, and omg I've thought about getting that too! I thought to myself, Nah, I don't need to get a strategy guide for every game I have. But my sis knew I would appreciate that she bought it for me. Ohhhh, so nice, so nice...
I had to give her something too. I had to order it online, because it is a hard-fo-find item. I bought her the .Hack Game Music Perfect Collection. She calls herself a "dothackaholic", and I think she is right. o___O She occasionally squealed with joy. So I say "Merry NiGHTS-mas" to her, and she rolls her eyes like "oh, come on." She doesn't understand my NiGHTS-yness -____- ...
For my Dad I got him Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. Resident Evil is one of his favorite video game franchises. He started to try it out an hour or so after the presents were opened. I just had to make fun of it: ya know the guy that would say the title of the game. Like "Resident Evil...Fouuuuuur!" So I came up with what the title-screen voice would say this time. It's as if the game makers kept the recording of the whole thing. That'd be so funny if it really happened:
"RESIDENT EVIL...Fi...uh [starts to whisper behind himself] what's the number of it this time? Oh, it doesn't have a number? What the--Whadaya mean it doesn't have a number...oh, a subtitle? The Darkside...The Darkside Chronicles? What kind of name is tha---RESIDENT EVIL: THE DARKSIDE CHRONICLES!!"
Crisis Core post part 2 coming up later...
Vladimir Vykos
Commissioned Vampire: the Masquerade Character Portrait This was a surprise
gift commission from one player to another which made it a challenge. Vlad
is a...
4 weeks ago
I am so jealous I want that game too!@
Sorry I made ya jealous -_-;; Which game are you talking about? Dissidia or RE: The Darkside Chronicles?
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