Sorry for the delay, so here it is, Part 2 of Crisis Core on Dec. 18th.
On this post I wanted to focus more on Zack Fair and Cloud Strife.
I reached the part in the game when Zack watched the injured Cloud sleep in the inn. When Cloud woke up, they had a conversation, and it was so fun to watch!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeaaalll! But it was a very important scene. In fact I fear that it is one of the last conversations Cloud has with Zack before the next major event on the fateful day in Nibelheim.
Zack watches Cloud sleep in the inn because he's a comrade and he cares about him. I don't know who else, besides Kunsel and the other guys at SOLDIER, that Zack knows and became close buddies with, but with Cloud, it's a really special relationship. Some time ago, Cloud e-mailed to Zack about how the SOLDIER Honor pep talk gave him courage. Both guys are "country boys", as they found out about each other back in the Modeoheim mission. In fact it was when they both revealed to each other that they were country boys that their buddy bond started. Nyawww, so cute! So it's no wonder that they have a kinship. One even thinks the other's hometown's name sounds funny. Zack is from Gongaga. Cloud is from Nibelheim. Ha ha haha. Funnnnyyy.
Players of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII who have played the orignal FFVII know that the Buster Sword will belong to Cloud. We've always known that Cloud is the one with the Buster Sword, but Zack has it in Crisis Core, and even before Zack, Angeal carried the sword first. So, again that is the trinity of men who hold the iconic Buster Sword.
SPOILERS, probably... Zack gives advice to Cloud in the Nibelheim Inn scene. "SOLDIER is a den of monsters. Don't go in there." Zack says this because he wants to protect Cloud. He doesn't want him to be caught up in the web that is Shin-Ra and SOLDIER. Zack learned from his experience in SOLDIER that it's not all it's cracked up to be. He says, "I'm in SOLDIER, so fightings all I do." But then he starts going into how the whole system of it is corrupted. It is as if the members of SOLDIER are tools, or muscle hired to do whatever Shin-Ra tells them to do. He can't get all the answers from that guys at the top. There are secrets being kept that Zack is frustrated about not knowing, like "who is the enemy," he says. I am guessing that one thing he might be talking about is Angeal, about which side he was on even if he was a "monster" of a sort. Angeal's mysteries and reasons for being in SOLDIER still confuse Zack, and he tries to calm himself down and he does that thing that Angeal did with putting his forehead to the Buster Sword. Nyawww!
Cloud tells Zack that he never saw him use that sword, and it takes me back to when Angeal was talking about the sword when he possessed it. I knew that Zack said the same thing to Angeal, so it was absolutely reminiscent of that when Cloud said it too. A funny line from Angeal: "Your a little more important than my sword. But, just a little." And then later Zack told the other members to "always protect their SOLDIER Honor." He was passing on advice from his personal mentor onto Cloud and the other soldiers.
So Zack remembered that and felt renewed. It is as if Cloud helped Zack believe in SOLDIER Honor again...
[Sigh] I don't want to play past those wonderful moments, but I have to. -___-
Vladimir Vykos
Commissioned Vampire: the Masquerade Character Portrait This was a surprise
gift commission from one player to another which made it a challenge. Vlad
is a...
4 weeks ago
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