Friday, December 18, 2009

My funny Assassin's Creed drawing

For all you Assassin's Creed fans out there, I apologize in advance.  I had to draw a funny Assassin's Creed 2 picture.
I was in a GameStop store yesterday and there was a TV screen behind the counter.  It was playing trailers for different video games, and one of them was Assassin's Creed 2.  It was the ad that shows four faces of the men that the new assassin Ezio killed.  Next it shows his eyes, and then he blinks.  Then he turns around, and then you don't see his eyes, but you see his nose and mouth.
     That's the thing, though.  Most of the time, you can't see his eyes (probably not supposed to), but his nose is out there.  I've seen this ad at least four times now.  I don't know if I would ever play this game, or if I want to.  But I'm interested in it because it takes place in Renaissance Italy, and Ezio gets to meet Leonardo da Vinci.  Stealth is not my favorite genre though, hmm.  Ehh.
     Ezio Auditore.  I like his last name.  Au-dee-TOH-reh.  I like the sound of that.  Or at least, that's the way I would pronounce it as an Italian name.

This isn''t the drawing, of course.  This is an image
I scanned from the holiday issue of Playstation the
Official Magazine.  This is so you guys can
see why I had to make fun of Ezio... or the other
guy from the first Assassin's Creed.

So, here is the drawing I made myself do.
 Da da da daaaaa!

I'm terrible!  : D  : D  : D

1 comment:

Michelle Kafka said...

Interesting drawing.

Ah I'd like to visit Italy one day because it is such a dreamy place.

Sometimes I pass the time by playing games on the X-box or games online.

Love the creative, mysterious purple you have chosen for your blog!