On December 8th, I played
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2 on the Playstation 2. It is actually not my video game; it's my sister's. She's a huge
Naruto fan and collected three
Naruto video games. I play them too, but only for versus mode or in co-op mode.
For this game I played in co-op mode.
Naruto: UC2 is an adventure game, although there is fighting in it, and a versus mode that makes us run right back to the
Ultimate Ninja series. My sis always controls Player 1, and I am Player 2. I jump in when she needs aid--or I can just go in whenever the hell I want (although it ruins camera angles most of the time
Episode Event: We made it through Chapter 8 in the game, and then Chapter 9 was the mission "Destroy the Spirit Orb!" To fill ya in, the heroes are trying to find a way to destroy the Spirit Orb so that the three main villains in the story won't use it for the evil purpose of squashing the Five Lands. Or the Five Continents. Or whatevuhr.
My sister wanted to continue with the game's story because, being a Gaara fan, she thought that maybe if the Sand Ninja are involved, Gaara might be there, maybe even become a playable character finally. So I agreed and we went right to playing the mission, but not before stocking up on items...and not enough at that. You'll soon read why...
So typically we do extra missions to get more money and level up the characters, but this time we began a second mission in a row, Chapter 9. Destroy the Spirit Orb. Okey-dokey. Naruto starts off alone, so my sister led him to the destination. And then when some enemies appeared--live puppets--Kankuro appeared and used his Crow puppet to take them out. Now it's my turn to shine! I played as Kankuro (my personal favorite Sand Ninja...sis and I mock argue that his hat makes him a cat or a bat. I say he's a cat o.0). So then they go to where the castle is (that is where the Spirit Orb is being kept) and see that it's on fire! So they gotta hurry there. Of course, besides fire there were live puppets to fight. Floor after floor after floor is more fire and more puppets. Yeah, good for collecting the yellow "virtue" orbs(experience points?) and energy/chakra orbs. But it was using up and healing items. Soon we decided we'd just try to make it to the top of the castle, just find the stairs and go up.
Okay, we got that done. We made it to the room with the Spirit Orb. Gaara is in there with Sakura, and my Kankuro tells Naruto to be careful, that something is not right here. They go in. It turns out that something is up with Sakura...and it soon comes out that she is an imposter. I think I know who it is, but I forgot her name already, or maybe I don't care. She's the most annoying of the three villans in the game. She's such a b****. Ergh...rant rant. Anyway, Naruto had to fight the Sakura imposter. Pretty difficult; I jumped in as Kankuro a few times. Sis got to play as Gaara...
'__'...and after some time we got through the boss battle. But that was not all. The b**** summoned three live wasp puppets (instead of
one like earlier before...curses!!) and what followed was a looooong multi-boss battle. Pretty quickly Naruto was knocked out, and Kankuro and Gaara were left. We found a spot where we can have access to fight the bastards while they were in the air. We had few healing items and I think two revival items. I know from the past that Kankuro did well fighting those things, and Gaara, well... my sister eventually found out that Gaara was right for the job. His Sand Drizzle attack was an optimal plan, because in order to really hurt those wasp puppets, they had to be hurt to be knocked onto their backs. That is when they are the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, with Naruto or Kankuro, only a few hits made it and then they do a counter attack. Well, sis made Gaara do his Sand Drizzle, and it works for when the wasp puppets were in the air and on the ground. Sweet!
We didn't think we were going to make it, but we kept at it. Sis had faith in Gaara's endurance/defense and attacks. Soon Kankuro was knocked out and couldn't be brought back because we needed to save the revival item for emergency if there's anything after the battle. So Sis's Gaara was our last hope.
When the battle was finally over, we thought we were done. But not yet. The b**** managed to have the Spirit Orb taken away, and on top of that, she's going to make the whole castle collapse. It's already on fire. So what next? We had to get out of there in twelve minutes!!!! Gaara stood in Naruto's stead, but he had only 48 out of his 380 hit points left, and we were out of healing items completely (except for a revival, which revives plus gives 10 hit points). The fire was worse than earlier, and there were many more of those live puppets lurking around. Sis resolved just to totally avoid them, just get to the stairs and go DOWN!! At least there was some margin of time to get lost. Naruto got a chance to return, but after losing his one hit point, he was revived with ten, and lost nine. Then sis stuck to Gaara all the way through, while I occasinally pointed out where she can try to go whenever she got stuck.
And after THAT, Naruto had to report back to the Leaf Village. This means running up the map and facing some more bad guys to fight. With one lousy hit point. Ugh. Gaara and Kankuro weren't there to aid Naruto this time. And like that, the one hit point was gone before Naruto got a chance to attack.
We played this game from 6:30pm to 10:15pm (and then we had lentil soup for late dinner
^.^;;). Jeez, all that "virtue" and time, gone, all gone. Man, Sis really wanted Gaara to be a playable character. She was really upset. I told her not to think of it as a huge loss. At least now we know what is ahead for next time we play this game again. That is the number one strategy tip for any game: trial and error. And we'll get more healing items next time, too.