Monday, May 24, 2010

Dissidia on May 16th--Finished Firions's Destiny Odyssey

Dissidia on May 16th (Sorry, this post was delayed)  

I finished Firion’s Destiny Odyssey. I recorded some Quick Battles playing as Firion and then as Kuja. For some reason I like to pit Kuja against Sephiroth, because Sephiroth is a very hard opponent to beat, and Kuja’s attacks miss 50% of the time. At least I know how to dodge now; before I didn’t know how to dodge and there were attacks I could’ve saved my fighter’s ass from. When Kuja dodges, he says, “Well, now…” I can fill it in with “Well now, isn’t that interesting?” or “Well now, don’t be so stubborn, I want my attack to actually HIT you, Sephiroth! Cuz you’re so mean. Yes.”

One battle with Kuja I saved because he finishes Sephiroth with the EX Burst Attack, in his red Trance form. “Talent can be so cruel.” Whether Kuja’s in his normal form or his Trance form, he always appears womanly. I wonder if anyone also put Kuja against Sephiroth and came up with fan-fiction from the result.  I'm sure it happened.  (Gasp, OMG) Maybe I can give that a try…….? 0.O That battle I saved was really good. I used EX Burst, then it didn’t work, and then Sephiroth used his, but luckily I pushed the O button enough to defend Kuja’s life points from Sephiroth (I mean, hit-points…where did I get “life points,” Yu-Gi-Oh!?). It seemed that Sephiroth was going to win. But then I had Kuja use EX Burst when his EX Gauge was full again, and that finished it.

So what happens now? Well, Kuja is fuzzy and kinda nekkid, so….yuh know…

Bartz is level 12…still…

Jecht is level 2 now

Kuja is level 2 since I played a couple of battles as him against Sephy

Gosh, wouldn’t it be better to see this battle rather than having me write about it? Man…

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