Friday, May 14, 2010

Devil May Cry 5 Dream today

I've had dreams about some Capcom games like Chaos Legion, a video game I enjoyed.  Lately I've had Mega Man related dreams because of my not-so-recent-now interest in the story of Mega Man X and Zero.

     But this morning, I dreamed that as I was reading a video game magazine, and I found out there was going to be a Devil May Cry 5 video game for the PS3 (or at least I hope it's for the PS3 and not some $700 PS4 console).  The main character was Dante, and his face appeared angrier than usual.  He had a large black X scar from his forehead to just above his nose.  What the hell happened here?!

     Then there was a TV ad about the Devil May Cry 5 video game.  Dante wore the long red coat like in DMC 3--so maybe the story for this game took place between DMC 3 and DMC.   Huh?  That's confusing.  But hey, the third game in the series was a prequel.

     I dunno if there is going to be a DMC 5.  I've wanted to play DMC 4, but I don't have it yet, not to mention my home doesn't have a PS3 yet, either.  But I like having video game dreams.   It presereves an optimism I am trying to achieve about a series I like, Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy VII, XII, or XIII, or Versus XIII.  Like I might have said before, I've had plenty of Kingdom Hearts dreams too.  More of my game dreams were about NiGHTS :) though, because, well...I'm a NiGHTS fan...

     So now I've dreamed about three Capcom series (well, Chaos Legion is not a series, but it's a title): Chaos Legion, Mega Man X, and Devil May Cry.

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