Saturday, May 29, 2010

Did I just do that?!

Hey, guess what, guys?  I finished both video games!  Mega Man X and Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X

I want to write about my thoughts and compare/contrast ideas carefully and organize them,  so look forward to that.  It might even take two to three posts because there is so much for me to say.  I probably can't say everything, but I can say a lot.  I also watched The Day of Sigma and I loved it, even though it was shorter than I thought it would be.  I don't care if people think the anime is out-dated.  Hello, it's Mega Man X anime!!!

So yeah.  I have a lot to write.  Too much Mega Man X.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X---Got all 4 armor parts!!!! May 24th

That video soooo helped me out!! The title of this post sums up what I’ve accomplished. So now here are the details…

I went to the Flame Mammoth Stage and found the Foot Parts right where I saw that they were in the video. It’s funny that when he gets his armor in the capsule, he growls, RRRAAAGHHH!! Then I escaped the stage to save my data. Next I knew exactly where to go: the Chill Penguin stage. The first spot where I thought was a capsule would be an extra life helmet, “Oh, pooh, that’s not what I need right now, I want that Head Armor.” Well, I knew where there was a closed area, and X’s Foot Parts were able to take those blocks down. And that’s where I found the Head Parts.

So after that I went to the Storm Eagle stage. The blocks that kept me out of another secret area were no match for X’s hardened head, so there I found his Body Parts…er, Body Armor. Heh. Which is neat, because those pieces really help him survive tough enemies.

Where else can I find another capsule? The Sting Chameleon stage! I remember in the original Mega Man X I found the Body Armor capsule after defeating a sub-boss in that stage. I wondered if the same sub-boss was going to be in that same place. I wouldn’t know for sure until I had the Foot Parts, which X got already. After I defeated that sub-boss this time, I found the Arm Parts. Sweet.

Long story short, I defeated the Bosspider and [the boss that was for Sigma Palace 2, whatsitsname]. The Super Charged Spiral Shot is the best, I think, for both of these bosses. I’ll try the other elements whenever I play this game for a second time. So now I left off at Sigma Palace 3, and I’ve got everything I need to get through this game. I really wanna see that The Day of Sigma movie.

In my opinion, the remix of the music for Simga Palace 1 is the best in this game.  :D

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What if...?

Is there going to be a Dissidia: Mega Man?  Wouldn't that be so cool for us Mega Man fans?

MegaMan Volnutt versus Mega Man X?

MegaMan Zero's Zero versus Zero from Mega Man X?

Harpuia from Mega Man Zero versus Tornado Man?


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What about Final Fantasy VERSUS XIII?

Isn’t the game play for this title supposed to be something similar to Kingdom Hearts? Well, it hasn’t been seen by anyone in the U.S. at this point, I’m sure.

I wonder if the Tokyo Game Show 2010 is going to show anything about Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Hah, no Keyblades here, folks. I like this whole “magical sword” thing going on. I also wonder how Noctis got those powers. Was he born with them, or did he acquire them between his birth and the throne?

At an Anime Los Angeles convention I saw two cosplayers, one dressed up as Noctis and the other dressed up as Cloud. They were walking together. Together! O M G   FAAAAN   FIK-SHUN!!

So like what if Cloud Strife and Noctis were in the same, uh, story? They wear similar clothes, similar hairstyles, they both hardly smile…And hey, it’s Cloud’s big-ass Buster Sword versus Noctis’ many magical swords, and uh, other things I don’t know about yet. Sigh. Where did I read it? I learned that character designer Tetsuya Nomura is doing the character design for Versus XIII, which is another reason…what am I rambling about? I think after a while of not playing Dissidia: Final Fantasy, and then getting back to it again (after MMX drove me nuts), I start wondering what would happen if THIS character were to be up against THAT character. Man, I guess D:FF has a sneaky way of doing this to Final Fantasy fans. Okay, here’s another one: Lulu versus Lightning. Or…Tidus versus Jecht? Ha ha ha, that one’s already being done. And then the winner of the fight gets to, uh, I dunno, eat some cake or something. Gosh, I’m random this time….

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dissidia on May 16th--Finished Firions's Destiny Odyssey

Dissidia on May 16th (Sorry, this post was delayed)  

I finished Firion’s Destiny Odyssey. I recorded some Quick Battles playing as Firion and then as Kuja. For some reason I like to pit Kuja against Sephiroth, because Sephiroth is a very hard opponent to beat, and Kuja’s attacks miss 50% of the time. At least I know how to dodge now; before I didn’t know how to dodge and there were attacks I could’ve saved my fighter’s ass from. When Kuja dodges, he says, “Well, now…” I can fill it in with “Well now, isn’t that interesting?” or “Well now, don’t be so stubborn, I want my attack to actually HIT you, Sephiroth! Cuz you’re so mean. Yes.”

One battle with Kuja I saved because he finishes Sephiroth with the EX Burst Attack, in his red Trance form. “Talent can be so cruel.” Whether Kuja’s in his normal form or his Trance form, he always appears womanly. I wonder if anyone also put Kuja against Sephiroth and came up with fan-fiction from the result.  I'm sure it happened.  (Gasp, OMG) Maybe I can give that a try…….? 0.O That battle I saved was really good. I used EX Burst, then it didn’t work, and then Sephiroth used his, but luckily I pushed the O button enough to defend Kuja’s life points from Sephiroth (I mean, hit-points…where did I get “life points,” Yu-Gi-Oh!?). It seemed that Sephiroth was going to win. But then I had Kuja use EX Burst when his EX Gauge was full again, and that finished it.

So what happens now? Well, Kuja is fuzzy and kinda nekkid, so….yuh know…

Bartz is level 12…still…

Jecht is level 2 now

Kuja is level 2 since I played a couple of battles as him against Sephy

Gosh, wouldn’t it be better to see this battle rather than having me write about it? Man…

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Foot Parts for Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (a video)

This is the video on You Tube that I found on Mega Man Maverick Hunter X.  I learned where the Foot Parts for X are.  The video is from Rodriguezjr.

I want to thank Rodriguezjr for posting the video.  Now that I know where X's foot parts are, I can get the other parts on my own.  The foot parts are essential for finding the other parts, and getting to harder-to-reach places.

A couple of funny Mega Man videos...

I saw these videos recently and I wanted to share them with you guys :3

Here's the link to its site on You Tube

Here's a link to a funny Mega Man X8 fan video:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jak 3 on May 14th

I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to try a hand again at playing Mega Man X or return to Jak 3. So I decided to play Mega Man X. Huh. Big mistake.

Well, it wasn’t really a mistake. It helped me to realize how out-of-practice I became for not even touching MMX for at least two weeks. There’s a slight delay on X’s jumps because of the new TV set. Plus, I was stuck in the same frustrating area for more than a half hour. My thumb got tired from all that jumping I had X do. I knew it was too late to go forward, so I made the decision to return to that game in a few days. Ultimately I put the Jak 3 disc in the PS2 and went with that.

In a nutshell, here are the missions I did:

Blow Open Tower Door 

Destroy MetalHead Tower 

Reach Catacombs via Palace Ruins 

Break Through Ruins   (still in progress)

In the mission where Jak had to reach the catacombs, he was all the way on the other side of Haven City, so he had to use one of those hover cars. I almost forgot that this game has First-Person view for flying cars, so I tried that out as Jak made his way there. It was soooo cool, but dizzying. It was nighttime in Haven City, and since some areas were dark I kept losing control of the flying car. The picture kept moving from side to side. Ugh, that was an experience. But anyway, yeah.

In the “Blow Open Tower Door” mission, there were Dark Precursor creatures waiting for him. These are the enemies that put up shields for themselves. I kept using the Yellow Mod weapon to take them down; I even resorted to the Gyro-Blaster, which takes up so much ammo. Jak still got taken down by the bastards. It took me some time but, I remembered that I had to have Jak use the Peace Maker Mod to destroy those shielded dark creatures. The Peace Maker even broke through their shields, and the attack spreads to other nearby enemies, and if I’m lucky, I get one or two units of ammo back from them.

This is where I got stuck. I would’ve played past this mission if it wasn’t filled with so many obstacles. The “Break Through Ruins” mission features Damas as Jak’s partner for this task. He has to drive the buggy through rough terrain and break through barriers and disable force fields by crashing into their, uh, pillars of power? It’s not a very easy mission because during the whole time, something is firing hot boulders at Damas’ buggy. There is a sound I hear when it launches, and a second sound (plus a red target mark) when it is about to crash to the surface. Sometimes I get stuck, and as I’m TRYING to turn around or back up, the red target mark shines on the car and I cannot get away from it in time. Along with watching out for those things, there are the shielded dark creatures and the flying Dark Precursor creatures with wings, and they shoot at the buggy and damage it damn good. Luckily, Damas’ buggy has a small turret gun that can shoot those things and preserve the buggy for a little longer before more creatures appear.

I think I reached the last force field, but there are four pillars located in different areas, and it took much trial and error to figure out what the best order was for destroying them. At one point I got three of them and the very last one in front of the force field) was left. . I only had a sliver of the health gauge full. But a launched boulder got Jak. Godd----t.

I cheered up by watching several scenes from the Scene Player Act 2. A lot of those had Torn. Whatever happened to "Hello, Jak"? Torn just goes up to Jak and says, “Jak, I need you to go to this dangerous place and do this and that. Don’t screw this up.” He’s really a nice guy, is he?

One of my favorite scenes from Jak 3 is…hmmm, this post is getting long enough. Maybe I’ll talk about my favorite scenes from Jak 3 some other time, in the near future.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My first PlayStation 2 video game...Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Personally, the only video games I played for the Dreamcast (which I got the summer of 2001) were Sonic Adventure, Sonic Shuffle, and Sonic Adventure 2. Back then my sister and I were still very loyal Sonic the Hedgehog fans. But in summer 2002, we had to upgrade to PlayStation 2 because after Sonic Adventure 2, there weren’t any other video games we wanted. It was time to expand our gaming horizons.

The Best Buy store didn’t have any PS2s, so we went to a Toys R Us but that didn’t have any PS2 units either. However, we looked at the PS2 games that were there. Not much appealed to me, except this very colorful-looking one called Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. It featured a hero character with long, elf-like ears and a furry weasel companion on his shoulder. In fact there was in a demo-player at the game section of the store, and this was the image of them that I saw:

I loved how Daxter looks silly but Jak has a serious expression on his face. Like, “What are YOU lookin’ at? I’m the one who’s doing all the running!”

The elf hero, who is Jak (and NOT Link, haha) has high-lighter yellow hair, in the style of some of those “treasure trolls”…o.0…remember those? He has blue eyes, green eyebrows, a funny looking pair of goggles, and he seemed to be the adventure type. I started to like the idea of playing a game other than Sonic running around loops and collecting rings. So, I ultimately bought the Jak and Daxter video game. (We ended up buying the game and the PS2 at a Circuit City.)

I remembered watching the commercials for it too, in late 2001 (check ‘em out here and here ). I wasn’t sure if I’d be playing that game because it was for another game system, and so far I was almost strictly a SEGA gamer. But Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy really helped me get into the PlayStation 2 frame of mind. I had more buttons to memorize (shapes instead of letters) and more controls to the character than a simple run and jump. I was blown away. Jak can walk, run, jump, double jump, crouch, roll, roll- jump, hang on to ledges, kick, punch, upper-cut, dive punch, spin kick, DIVE, SWIM (and man, Sonic can do none of those…except run and jump, and uh, the spin attack. Yeah.). It was so many actions to learn for this game, but they all helped me learn where the buttons of the PS2 controller are located.

And it wasn’t just the game play that made this game worthwhile. There was a ten-minute opening movie to watch, which was quite entertaining, especially when Daxter becomes the ottsel. And there were more scenes in between tasks to finish. Jak is supposed to go to a Sage who should be able to turn Daxter back from an ottsel. But as his guardian Samos the Sage says, the other sage lives “Far, far to the north…”

One of the best things about this video game was that rather than exploring parts of a world (such as the city and ruins fields in Sonic Adventure), Jak can explore his whole surroundings.   Having him swim in the water is so cool (just don't swim too far into the sea or a big fish will gulp him up!  Remember that, Jak and Daxter fans? :D)  There is no loading between area to area because the whole world Jak explores is one whole world like it's supposed to be, so you are there to see Jak travel the lands in every second of his journey.
     Another very good thing about this game:  Jak won't lose lives.  If you have Jak fall to his death or lose all his energy, you go back to a checkpoint, made possible by the auto-save feature this game uses.  Neat!

The scenery was amazing. In the beginning of the game play, there is soooo much grass and trees and water to explore, and you get to collect these things called "Precursor Orbs," which are needed to advance further into the game. There are mountains, cliffs, the ocean, rocks, snowy places, forests, and more. I also liked the music in the game, which wasn’t spectacular, but it does go well with the world-exploration that Jak gets to do. (The music gets more cinematic in its sequels.)

I wondered if Jak was ever going to say a word. He did vocalize when I made him attack, notably on the kick-spins and the double jumps. Here’s something funny :D I accidentally got too close to the lava in an area of the game and he fell in; but instead of crying out, he just said, “Ouch.” OUCH?? OUCH??? That's an odd moment to say ouch, isn't it?  =D  Okay, he can say ouch, but otherwise, not one word from him. He is a strong, silent type.

I wonder what happened to him in the past that made him mute…?  Wait, maybe I know already.  I think if I finish playing through Jak 3 again I might find a clue.

Anyway, Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy was my first taste in PlayStation 2 goodness, and I’m glad it was. I looked forward to the game’s sequel, and its next sequel, and its next sequel……Oh yeah, I have Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier and I should get back to that.   Mega Man X and MHX have been sucking up my gaming time lately, so I should give those games a short vacation of a sort.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Devil May Cry 5 Dream today

I've had dreams about some Capcom games like Chaos Legion, a video game I enjoyed.  Lately I've had Mega Man related dreams because of my not-so-recent-now interest in the story of Mega Man X and Zero.

     But this morning, I dreamed that as I was reading a video game magazine, and I found out there was going to be a Devil May Cry 5 video game for the PS3 (or at least I hope it's for the PS3 and not some $700 PS4 console).  The main character was Dante, and his face appeared angrier than usual.  He had a large black X scar from his forehead to just above his nose.  What the hell happened here?!

     Then there was a TV ad about the Devil May Cry 5 video game.  Dante wore the long red coat like in DMC 3--so maybe the story for this game took place between DMC 3 and DMC.   Huh?  That's confusing.  But hey, the third game in the series was a prequel.

     I dunno if there is going to be a DMC 5.  I've wanted to play DMC 4, but I don't have it yet, not to mention my home doesn't have a PS3 yet, either.  But I like having video game dreams.   It presereves an optimism I am trying to achieve about a series I like, Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy VII, XII, or XIII, or Versus XIII.  Like I might have said before, I've had plenty of Kingdom Hearts dreams too.  More of my game dreams were about NiGHTS :) though, because, well...I'm a NiGHTS fan...

     So now I've dreamed about three Capcom series (well, Chaos Legion is not a series, but it's a title): Chaos Legion, Mega Man X, and Devil May Cry.

Cyborg Haven Update: Template Change!!!

It's probably apparent now, but I changed the template of Cyborg Haven so that it fills the screen rather than taking up only the middle of it.  This helps me a lot because if I decide to embed a You Tube video on the page, the right side of the video won't be cut off from the limited space it would have if I left the template the same.  That's why I've put off embedding videos.  From now on I will leave a link to the page under the video too in case you guys wanna check out who made the video.
     I also changed a colors of links into a richer blue color and sidebar titles are lavender now.  I actually had to re-do all the fonts and colors for everything since I changed the template, but at least I remembered what [most] of them were.  I've been wanting my blog to fill the screen for a while.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

DISSIDIA on May 11th--Spending time with Firion

After at least a whole month, I finally returned to playing Dissidia Final Fantasy, and on a Bonus Day, too. So that was Tuesday. Yeah. Anyway, a moogle from the Mognet Head Office sent me 300 PP and a Mog’s Armlet, saying “Hey, VioletMage01, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” or something like that. I also got 30 PP from the second Mog mail.

I warmed up by playing as Bartz, Firion, and then the Onion Knight in some Quick Battles. Then I started playing Firion’s Destiny Odyssey II, “The Unending Dream.” Awwww :3 He likes roses…heh heh… In a nutshell, I played through DO II-3 and left off at DO II-4. That is how Firion went from level 17 to level 21 so fast (on Bonus Day at that).

So what is up with Tidus? How does Firion end up being paired with Tidus during his Destiny Odyssey? Tidus wants to know what Firion’s dream is about. “You’re so nosy, Tidus,” says Firion. I mean, I can understand; Firion’s dream involves something called the Wild Rose, He’s a grown warrior guy who specializes in several weapons, and he dreams about flowers?  Nnh, nothin' wrong with that.  Except yeah, Tidus is nosy.  He's finding another excuse to be annoyingly cheerful and overly friendly.

So Firion is level 21, Bartz is level, uh, level 12? 13? Oops, somewhere around there o.0 . And the Onion Knight leveled up to 5, from 4. I had to play as Zidane again, (level 24 now) against Sephiroth, and see if the power of friendship will help Sephiroth grow all warm and fuzzy, but Zidane lost the first two battles. That settles it. Sephiroth will never allow himself to experience the pleasures of friendship because it turns out his best friend is not a person—it is his sword Masamune.  Poor Zidane.  He tried.

I might finish Firion's Destiny Odyssey next time I get to Dissidia.  Otherwise, the next game I'd get back to might either be Jak 3 or Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier.  Although, Crisis Core: FFVII is begging to be finished...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mega Man X update for May 1st

I got the Head Armor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was in the Storm Eagle stage. There’s a tower that X can wall-kick and then get to the other side of it, and there is a breakable barrier that hides a secret room, and that’s where I found the capsule. Hur-rayyyy!

Now what to do…I tried finding things that the helmet armor can break, but I haven’t found much. I discovered that the falling rocks in the Sting Chameleon stage don’t hurt X because the head armor protects him from harm directly above. That will hopefully prove useful in the final Sigma stage.  Hopefully...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Briefly on Mega Man X2

Okay, so I was able to finally reach the boss of the Weather Control Stage. I mastered how to do the long jump. I just do a dash move and then jump right after I begin the dash and X jumps for a longer distance. Neat!

So that was all I needed to do to jump that long gap above the instant-death spikes. Then after fighting some more enemies to fill up the one Sub-tank that he has, I reached the boss Wire Sponge. Boy is he difficult! But I found that the Speed Burner weapon is the best against him, and I used the bubble weapon as a secondary attack once the fire one ran out of power. So yay!

The Central Computer Stage was a different story, though. There are so many traps in this stage, and I had to fight against one of these other guys instead of Magna Centipede for this stage. I forgot his name already.

There is something called the wall kick, which is actually what X does to get up the side of walls. I didn’t know that it was called a wall kick. I thought it was some sort of jumping, uh, thing. So, Mega Man X can climb walls by kicking them? Ohhhhhkayy…o.0

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Still waiting…

Sigh. I’m still waiting for that PS3. My parents are waiting too—they want it for the built-in Blu-Ray player. My guess is that stores will start selling them in the summer. Perhaps selling them with that new “Sony PS3 Move” motion controller, whatchimacallit. It should be coming up in the E3 shows in June. I’ll let my parents know to DON’T GIVE UP, Sony will probably re-release the PS3 as they release the new Wii-mote-like controller. Hahh, I don’t like the idea. But I’m patient. The Mega Man X Collection and  Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X will keep me busy.

A Mega Man X dream

The past Wednesday morning I dreamed that I was playing MegaMan X and I got X’s head armor in the Sting Chameleon stage. It was in the area that has the big falling rocks. Man, I hate this dream because I know that is not where it is. I think there might be a sub-boss battle in the area above those falling rocks, and that should be an armor part there instead. But I have not one clue as to where the head armor is.
Okay, where is my Mega Head Armor??!!!!!!!!
Can you see my face?  I'm frowning!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My progress on MM MHX so far… @,@

Okay, in a nutshell during the past week and a half…I beat all the eight bosses without any of the four parts of armor whatsoever. But the bad news is, I need those four armor parts to move forward with confidence and I have NO IDEA where to find any of them.

I’m guessing that the first power-up part I have to find is the leg armor, because that is what would give X the dash move. In the original Mega Man X, the capsule for the leg armor was found in the Chill Penguin stage. Well the dash move can help X do a long-distance jump, which he may need to get to the other parts, or more life-ups. The head armor will be good for getting things that are trapped in rocks. (I never got the head armor in the original game—which is why I can’t finish it.) But again, the leg armor is what I want to find first.

I thought it would be impossible to defeat Storm Eagle without the dash, but I found out that all I had to do was jump over the wind tunnel repeatedly (and hope that Storm Eagle will stop before X falls to his death). Storm Eagle was the second-to-last boss I defeated. The boss I saved for last was Sting Chameleon because he’s a pain in the ass.

So I’m playing the Bosspider stage and I’m waiting for Vile to come in and Zero to save X’s butt again. But that doesn’t happen; I wait for poor Zero to give X his Z-buster. That doesn’t happen either…yet. So I am stuck with no armor. The arm armor parts are supposed to be what gives X an upgrade to his arm cannon. Godd----t. I’m mad. I know the leg armor is out somewhere. I just have to keep looking…