Neat! We don’t have to worry about switching memory cards anymore because the software will save the game data to the PS3’s hard-drive. It’s the 120 GB Slim version that came in a bundle with a Blu-Ray Player Remote Control and—what I didn’t expect—a Greatest Hits copy of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Hmmm… My dad started playing it, but I might give it a try sooner or later for myself. After setting the PS3 up to the new TV set, he wanted to try out the Resident Evil 5 that he already bought some time ago. Wow, so this is what a PS3 can do: show every stubble hair on Chris Redfield’s chin.
I’m still debating within myself whether I should first buy Bayonetta or Devil May Cry 4. Final Fantasy XIII will have to wait (I don’t have the patience for another JRPG now). But I’ve never played a video game where the main protagonist was female, not even Lara Croft Tomb Raider. And no I did not playgames in the Metroid series either. Nope. But…there was that Aliens arcade game, the one with the face-huggers. And that was a first-person-shooter. Hmmm, think back, think back… But nope, females were side characters; there’s Arcia from Chaos Legion, which I got to play in only one stage while Sieg Warheit had to rest. In Final Fantasy XII I control Vaan in the cities, but during travelling and battles I can have Fran, Ashe, or Penelo as temporary leaders of the party. For a female leader I almost aways choose Fran... for, um, certain reasons. Otherwise it's Balthier or Vaan.
I’ve thought about Heavenly Sword, but…maybe I’ll rent that one. In terms of an action title with a female protagonist, Bayonetta is first on my list. So…Bayonetta or DMC 4? Meanwhile, I have a demo of FF XIII in the Final Fantasy VII: ACC Blu-Ray DVD that I can try out if I want to get a feel for it. Within the next month, anyway.
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