Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cyborg Haven Update

Two different notes:

1.  The MMX/MM:MHX post will be coming within the next few days.  It's been a week since I've finished playing them, but I still want to share my thoughts about my experience.

2.  I am planning to get a You Tube account in the next couple of months.  I am hoping to submit my recorded battles from Dissidia to my channel if I get one, and also I will use my new camcorder to make short little videos with my Cloud Keychain.  And maybe more fun and funny stuff. 
     I want my potential You Tube channel to be sort of an extension of Cyborg Haven.  It will be another thing extra thing I want to do, but I am starting to like this "share yourself to the world through the internet" thing.  I might still want to have the pseudonym Amethyst Anne, if I can.  I'll see.  Starting something like a You Tube channel gives me the same amount of thinking over I needed to do for Cyborg Haven because it is another public outlet.  It's even more public because it's videos and not a blog.  I'm hiding behind words, basically.  I want to show my love for video games, not just write about it.

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