Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Re-Appreciation of Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII ^8^

Monday night of last week I suddenly felt like watching all the unlocked scenes from Dirge of Cerberus: FFVII, so I switched on the PS2 and put the memory card and disc in the PS2. I wanted to watch all of them, from Chapter One to Chapter Twelve, but as it happened it was actually 12:00am that following Tuesday morning, so I couldn’t. Each scene has to be chosen individually and each and every scene has a loading time. Ugh. I only reached up to the very beginning of Chapter 7, when Cid Highwind’s airship The Shera comes in to help out Vincent, Yuffie and Reeve.

Rosso: “Hand over the Protomateria, and I will kill you quickly.”

Vincent: “……. [Blinks]…….” (Translation: “No.”)

Rosso: “Not one to bargain, aren’t we?”

I had forgotten how great the original score for this video game was. I got the soundtrack a few years ago sometime after I got the game itself. The composer for Dirge of Cerberus is Masashi Hamauzu. I love the whole score, but I had to find the OST and put some of the tracks in my Dream Pod. Just in case I get the urge to listen to something Dirge of Cerberus-y.

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