Here are the current levels of my best heroes (and favorite villain) for Dissidia Final Fantasy:
• Firion is level 35
• Cloud is level 34
• Zidane is level 38
• Kuja is level 20
• Bartz is level 21
• Warrior of Light is level 33
I haven’t started the Shade Impulse Chapters yet. I should. I need to decide which of the characters from the Forces of Cosmos I want to play in Shade Impulse. I am deciding between Cloud and…um…the Warrior of Light. I believe at this point they are my two best fighters, because of their levels and their attacks.
Now, I found out some time ago on that next year there is going to be a sequel to Dissidia Final Fantasy called Dissidia Duodecim (I love the sound of that title, by the way, because it is entirely in Latin). And I am pleased that Lightning is going to be one of the characters added to the roster in the game. But the latest news I read about Dissidia from the website is that Vaan from FFXII is also going to be included as a playable character. I was overjoyed! I don’t care if people don’t like him. He is as much a main character/hero of a Final Fantasy game as much as Cloud, Zidane, and Squall (I don’t like Squall, but whutevurh).
So now I definitely want to get Dissidia Duodecim. Lightning in the game? And Vaan? That’s going to be so cool!
But what is Tifa doing there? She is not the main hero of FFVII, but I guess there must be some important reason why she was added to the Dissidia Duodecim story. Well, then, in my opinion if the developers do this, then they will have to get Balthier in there somehow. I mean, Tifa doesn’t use swords or lances. She’s a kickboxer, so what gives? Fists against swords? I’m just ranting because I'm not a huge fan of Tifa, but she’s alright, I guess. I’m sure Tifa will grow on me if I give her a chance.
EDIT: I have decided to play as Zidane in the Shade Impulse chapters, but I have to level him up. One of the battles had a fake Squall that kicked Zidane’s li’l monkey butt eight times, and I don’t want to lose Destiny Points or Story Points. So I will be leveling up Zidane some more.
Vladimir Vykos
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4 weeks ago
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