Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NiGHTS Journey of Dreams on Christmas Day

Welcome to the New Year of 2012, everyone!  ^__^

It was Christmas so I figured if I played NiGHTS Journey of Dreams on Christmas Day there would be something Christmas related in the game, like I found out for the original NiGHTS into Dreams.  I tried it and unfortunately there was no Christmas-garbed NiGHTS in the game at all.   I was a bit disappointed, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to enjoy the game.  I started playing with the Chase Mission stage in Aqua Garden, the very first Nightopia I visited when I first played this game in June 2008.  No Christmas-garbed NiGHTS there either.  I got a C rating in the stage, which was lower than the B I got as my best score.
So next I went to My Dream.  And the Christmas NiGHTS version of Jingle Bells, titled “Dream Bells,” was playing in the background.  It was snowing, SNOWING in My Dream, for the first time.   I squealed with delight because I had recently given myself a chance to listen to the soundtrack to Christmas NiGHTS, and I recognized the song and was overjoyed!!  All of my Nightopians were wearing red Christmas hats in the spirit of the holiday—all 34 of them.  And they were singing along with the Dream Bells song, but just the first three notes, though.  Man, I wish I got this all on tape but I didn’t.  My camcorder’s battery wasn’t fully charged, which must be why I didn’t think about doing that.   A bunch of them were singing loudly and it almost drove me nuts!  Every once in a while I had Helen run to a quiet area with another Nightopian to get away from all that noise.  Cute, but annoying.  Some of them rode on sleighs, or played soccer, but most of them were close to musical boxes and singing, singing, and singing.
Next I played an Octopaw stage in the same Nightopia, Aqua Garden.  I was out of practice so I did terrible, got discouraged and stopped that.  So then I went to Helen's Sketchbook, and I love the version of "Dreams Dreams" that plays as I look at the concept art and sketches.  I stayed in Helen's Sketchbook for twenty minutes or more just to listen to the music.  So nice.

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