Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Sonic Fangirl Chronicles, Bonus Chapter: My Least Favorite Stages of Sonic Games

Ah, sorry guys.  The next main chapter of my Sonic Fan-girl Chronicles will have to wait a little longer.  For now, I’ll share the stages that I liked the least in the games I’ve played.   

  • Sonic the Hedgehog (1991): Marble Zone
  • Sonic 2: Aquatic Ruin, Wing Fortress
  • Sonic 3: Carnival Night Zone (least favorite, not most hated—also, love the catchy carnival music, though!)
  • Sonic & Knuckles: Sandopolis Zone
  • Sonic 3D Blast: Spring Stadium Zone
  • Sonic Adventure: Um…The Skydeck stage in Sonic’s story
  • Sonic Adventure 2: Knuckles, Meteor Herd (love the music; hate the frustrating search for Master Emerald shards)
  • Sonic Unleashed:  At the moment it might be Arid Sands (I love the music but I want to get an A or S rank in this stage so bad!!)
  • Sonic Generations:  Crisis City Act 1 and Planet Wisp Act 1

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year, dear readers!!  It's a new year and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for reading Cyborg Haven and for those stopping by for the first time, thank you! 
Of course, I've still got a lot of my Sonic the Hedgehog history to share, but I'll see if I can fit in some other video game topics as well in the coming months.
I am looking forward to the new year!  Aren't you?
Is Mega Man X?  We'll see...he's getting comic book exposure very soon!  More on this later!
Art by AmethystAnne
Mega Man X belongs to CAPCOM