So far in Dissidia Duodecim FF, I am up to Yuna’s Chapter in the story mode. I leveled her up to level 4 before beginning her story. Currently she is level 11.
Sigh. She’s not my favorite character to play, but I am getting the hang of playing as a character that lets her Aeons do all of the fighting, hah hah. I learned that Shiva is a short-range attack and Valefor (my favorite Aeon only because he is the only Aeon I have in my current progress of Final Fantasy X) is long range. Bahamut is long or short range depending on how long I hold the BRV attack button to charge the attack. I love that one.
I was so mean: I let Yuna fight against the sweet Terra Branford. But oh well, I could have leveled her up with someone like Squall or the Warrior of Light. I just thought it would be interesting to have Yuna fight against another girl. Even Terra can be tough, though. Her “Benevolent Wind” attack gets annoying when she keeps using it (and she got Yuna with it three times in a row), but, that’s Terra for ya.
I decided to keep Firion in his Alternate Form #2 for now. In the first Dissidia, he is in his Alternate form already. I prefer him with spiky hair (Final Fantasy trend, anyone? Does anyone wanna see Zidane with spiky hair?). I prefer Terra with her emerald-colored hair, and, um…for now, Cloud Strife is in his Alternate Form #2 also. Just to see how he fights with white shoes. :D
I want to see Kain Highwind’s face, so I have him in his Alt. Form #2 where he wears the hat. Yes I know he may look more dangerous and powerful in the purple dragon armor but I like his desert garb. As for Warrior of Light, I currently have him in his Red Form (that was a lot of PP to spend), but I will change him back to his light blue form with the long hair and the horned helmet. I am quite used to him like that already. Why change him, right? His Red Form is for those who want that nostalgia factor in their game, and for the original Final Fantasy I, I don’t have that nostalgic feeling playing the Red WoL.
And oh! Actually, about Zidane and spiky hair... his hair does get kinda spiky when he turns into a pink monkey for his EX Burst. Okay, then that’s settled. Never mind. But suppose he asked Cloud nicely…
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