Friday, April 8, 2011

Dissidia: Final Fantasy on April 5 + Gaming Habits

The next Destiny Odyssey I will tackle next is that of the Onion Knight.  But on this Bonus Day I just focused on leveling up characters again.  It is a good day to do that.  I’d rather not play a DO on a Bonus Day just in case I have to replay a whole story again and lose all of the EXP and Gil that way.  So here is the level-up progress on my faves from that last playing session:

• Warrior of Light………..42, from 39

• Firion……………………47, from 45

• Zidane…………………...50, from 48

• Cloud…………………….47, from 45

• Bartz……………………..33

• Onion Knight…………….16, from 13

I need to talk about something else now, actually.  I haven’t been touching my PS2 lately. I’m not tired of it; there are just less opportunities for me to get to it. I use the PSP more frequently (if it has enough battery power in it, of course ;p ) I am saying something about this because I am afraid my blog might be running out of steam if all I play are the few PSP titles that I have.  Sigh.  I am going to make an effort to get to the PS2 or Wii games.  Maybe even the one PS3 game that I do have, Devil May Cry 4.  I am stuck in that game and will have to give myself an hour or an hour and a half to figure out what the hell Nero is supposed to do there in that castle place.  I could find tips or just get the strategy guide for the game but I got through DMC 3 without the help of a guide.  So why not DMC 4?  And don’t get me started on DMC: Devil May Cry…….

Okay, now I am rambling on and on. Back to Dissidia. I saved a couple of battles of Cloud vs. Sephiroth, where I had Cloud pull off some good blocks and dodges from the Masamune sword.  Sigh again.  I need to upload these vids on my YouTube channel.  Now to get them on my computer, hopefully if this can work.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sonic Rivals 2 on March 31st

Ha ha haaahh...I wondered why I didn’t get back to this game for a while, and then I realized it’s because this game made me temporarily hate Sonic the Hedgehog.  After reading the Sonic the Hedgehog comic books from Archie Comics Publications, Inc, I was in a SEGA mood.  Issues 215 and 216 have a lot of Silver the Hedgehog, so I felt like playing the only video game I have that contains Silver: Sonic Rivals 2.

I warmed up by playing a singular player race and then a free play to get used to the controls and the setting of the game.  Then I wanted to continue Silver’s story in the game, which is next to Espio the Chameleon.  It was right where I left off; Silver and Sonic were going to compete in a challenge where the one who captures and collects the most Chao wins.  Well, Sonic knew what he was doing, but Silver/I didn’t.  Whenever I stole Sonic’s Chao, it didn’t count because I had to have Silver take back his own Chao from Sonic.  In all, Silver had to have collected six Chao; three of his own and three of Sonic's Chao.  It took a few more losses to learn that was what I had to do.  I can't believe I didn't learn that last time I got to the game, which was how long ago, exactly....?  Maybe at least four months ago?

What happened after that, what next, what next…Shadow had to compete against Sonic to beat the boss, Dr. Eggman, with the most hits. After a couple of times I got it.  Next, Espio wanted to get info from Tails, but Tails said, “I don’t know. I gotta run and catch up with Sonic.  See ya!” Espio had to race against Tails and win the race, or, beat Tails to the end of the race so he can ask Sonic more questions.  Espio is not really a fast runner :( and I got fed up so I stopped the story and chose Silver to search for Chao in Act 1 of Zone 1.

I got a Mephiles card at some point during my playing session.  I know he’s from Sonic ’06. Hah, I dunno if I am ever going to play that game after all.

Silver's growing on me, though.  It's more because of the comic books, not the video game.

Friday, April 1, 2011

LITERAL Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Trailer

Sorry I've been a bit behind...or lazy...with writing about my gaming.  I played Phantasy Star IV on the PSP's SEGA Genesis Collection and I also played Sonic Rivals 2 just Wednesday afternoon.  In the meanwhile, here is another one of my favorite LITERALs from YouTube's Toby Turner.  You can visit his YT channel at .