Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Sonic Fan-Girl Chronicles, Bonus Chapter: Espio the Chameleon—The reason I like chameleons

So….purple is my favorite color.  Yep.  And I guess in 1995 it helped me notice this chameleon character from Knuckles Chaotix, a purple chameleon named Espio.  Eventually I learned that his name is part of the word “espionage”, spying.  Makes sense; chameleons blend in with their immediate surroundings, so that name totally goes with him, and nowadays, he’s been portrayed as a ninja character, sporting ninja stars and ninja leave-blades and others of the sort.  But I think it makes him cooler than before.

See…way back in 1995 I thought he was a girl.  I was reading a video game magazine and found a description for the Knuckles Chaotix video game for the SEGA 32X system.  When it mentioned controlling the characters, it used the pronouns “ him/her.”  It must have confused me, because if all the other characters were male then it must mean that the purple character is a female.  (Really it doesn’t matter, there’s nothing wrong with males wearing purple at all).  The peach-colored area of this chameleon’s chest was heart-shaped like a female character in the Sonic universe might have (think Sally Acorn of Sonic SAT AM fame).  So for a while, yeah, I thought Espio was a girl.  A very kinda naked, very cranky-looking girl.

I used to give him a nickname, because I’d get nervous (shy, blush) whenever I said his name, so for a while I called him “Metrio.”  It rhymed with “Espio” didn’t it? Around then I’ve heard of the word “metro” before but I didn’t understand what it meant.  I was…lessee, 1996…I was around 10 or 11 years old.

I made up a song about the Chaotix Team too, or was it just Espio?  (Actually a lot of Sonic-related characters or stuff had inspired original music from Sis and me…all of which we now both agree is stupid, but hey, we were kids and had fun with it.)

Years later when he makes an appearance in Sonic Heroes, his voice sounds pretty masculine.  Maybe it helps.   What is his actual age, anyways?   I was sort of disappointed that his voice sounded as deep as it did, but over time I got used to it.  Even now I like his voice in Sonic Rivals 2 and then Sonic Generations when Sonic has to shine searchlights on him and do a homing attack to progress through the challenge. 

It’s funny…ever since I was fascinated with Espio, it became apparent over time that the chameleon turned out to be my favorite lizard, really my favorite reptile.  In fact, if someone asked me if I had a favorite dinosaur, I’d say mine is a triceratops—because it reminds me of the chameleon.  Hey…maybe the chameleon might be a distant descendant of the triceratops, but I dunno.  That is a job for research at a later time, I suppose.  They certainly didn’t have skin that blended with their surroundings.  I thought it was  so interesting that chameleons can do that.  Heh.   Sort of makes me want to read up on chameleons now.  How they do dat?  How do they change the color of their skin to match the color on the thing they stand on?  Didn’t a couple of TV ads this year feature chameleons?  (A paint commercial and one other company.)
So…that’s my history on how I became a fan of Espio the Chameleon.  Pretty cool, huh? …  Or weird.  Whichever is closer.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sonic the Hedgehog Commercial 1992 -Tiger Electronic Game-

Hey readers,

Remember the handheld Sonic video game that I posted about in Chapter 2 of my Sonic Fan-Girl Chronicles?  Well, here is a TV ad from 1992 uploaded from YouTube channel E Tank.  This is the very video game I was talking about in Chapter 2!!!   I'm so excited to find it here!

You curious?  If you haven't seen it yet, see it now! :3  It's a blast from the past.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Sonic Fan-Girl Chronicles, Chapter 7: 1997—Sonic 3D Blast, for good grades, straight A’s in fact

The first time I knew about Sonic 3D Blast (or anything of it) was when Dad rented the game from Blockbuster Video.   It was on a school day, and like I said in an earlier post, we didn’t want to associate Sonic with anything school-related—even a school day.  I guess Dad thought it was a nice surprise for us, but we were too “shy” to even try it.  So while we were doing homework at the dinner table, Dad tried out the game himself.  I heard the music of what I found out later was Sonic using an Invincibility item.  Eventually Dad called us in to listen to something that was on the Sound Test, which turned out to be the music from Volcano Valley Act 2.  I thought it sounded nice.  But in the back of my mind I knew I still had some more homework to do, so I got out the den, pulling myself away from the world of Sonic once again.

I forgot what the exact date was (probably not important), but I know it was after I finished sixth grade that our report cards showed we had straight As.  It may have been the only time we got all “A”s on our report card, but it was a memorable one too.   Of course our parent saw the report cards.  A few days after the last day of school for the school year, our parents gave us a gift we were to share.  We were confused because it was some few weeks after we turned 12 years old.  What kind of present was this going to be?

I think it was at night, too.  We tore the wrapping paper together and saw that it was a Sonic game—Sonic 3D Blast.  We were so excited to have a fourth Sonic game for our SEGA Genesis.  It meant new Sonic music to look forward to, another instruction manual to read (I still enjoy reading instruction manuals for video games), basically more Sonic games to choose from when we want to play a video game (I think by then we just about stopped using the Nintendo).
What are my favorite tracks from Sonic 3D Blast?  The Sound Test/soundtrack is one of the best in the Sonic SEGA Genesis era, next to Sonic 3.   There was more variety instruments used in the music.  I love the music for Rusty Ruin Act 1, Volcano Valley Act 2, both Acts of Gene Gadget, and both Acts of the last stage (Panic Puppet?), and Dr. Robotnik Boss #2.    Oh oh oh!  And the song for Final Fight!  Its rhythm was so different than those used in other boss battles.  It was quite hard to fight Robotnik in the Final Fight the way Sonic has to move in Sonic 3D Blast, but once I memorized the patterns, it was almost a piece of cake.

Sonic 3D Blast was a blast—except—NO SUPER SONIC!!  Where the $@&%!  was Super Sonic in this game?!  I got all the Chaos Emeralds.  All seven of them!  I reached the Final Fight stage.  So where was Super Sonic?!  You’d think after Sonic 2 and 3 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles we’d get a Super Sonic  >:(

And the next disappointment:  the end credits music.  No medley?  No upbeat song that makes me wanna shake my buns?  What is this?  Well, that was anti-climactic.  For me it meant that there was not much of a reason to finish the game anymore.  I was so used to having a Super Sonic since Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. But—and I think it makes sense—it may have been difficult to incorporate Super Sonic in a video game that allowed Sonic to run in any direction?  Is that it?  U_U  Hmm…  Otherwise the thing that motivated me the most was hearing the music.  And the 3-D-ness of it all, I guess.