Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What’s So Great About Twisted Metal X????

I know, I can’t just criticize this game without having played any of it.   But I don’t understand what is great about this video game.  Does it have a story?   Is there an actual point to the game other than just riding on cars or motorcycles and committing crimes or killing other drivers?
Let’s look at another combat car game, Jak X: Combat Racing.
In my opinion, even though Jak X was a video game in a combat racing genre, at least Jak X had a story.  Jak and his buddies drink beverages that were poisoned without their knowing until it was too late.  In order to get the antidote for the poison, they had to win race after race, and try to survive all the while.   Winning to get the antidote is a very good motivation for the heroes’ racing.  There is a ticking clock.
What does Twisted Metal X do?  It’s just pure combat and killing and destroying.  There is only a vague idea of what happened to the world, and so the characters (if there even are protagonists here) deal with it by combat driving.  And who likes murderous clowns?  I don’t. 
I’m sorry, I just don’t like video games where the only point to the gameplay is destroying things and extinguishing lives.  Count in committing crimes.  It’s why I have absolutely no interest in playing any of the Grand Theft Auto video games.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Playing Sonic Generations: City Escape Act 1 !!!!!

I returned to Sonic Generations and, I was excited about having another opportunity to feel nostalgic about something that came from the SEGA Sonic games.  And I gotta say, during this session the one that had the most nostalgic impact on me was Act 1 of City Escape.  It was quite the experience playing as Classic Sonic in City Escape, considering it is Classis Sonic in a Modern Sonic stage.   I love the Act 1 version of the City Escape song, and it has SEGA Genesis Sonic-game musical elements in it.  What blew me away was that the beginning of the second verse of the song had a different but familiar melody to it—one of the songs from the 2-Player mode in Sonic 3.   Hardcore Sonic the Hedgehog fans who’ve played the old Genesis titles will recognize it and get a kick out of this!   I certainly did J

 Songs I Unlocked:

ü  Green Hill Zone (Original)

ü  Emerald Hill Zone

ü  Sonic Boom

ü  PalmTree Panic

ü  [First Stage music from Sonic Spinball]

Stages I Beat

ü   Challenge: Sky Sanctuary Doppleganger Race

ü  Defeated Boss

ü  City Escape: Act 1 and Act 2

ü  Partner Challenge: Amy’s Piko Piko Hammer (helps Sonic do high jumps)

I left off at the Sonic Heroes first stage, Act 2.  Boy is it difficult! Most of the time when Sonic loses lives, it is because he falls into the water.  Okay, I can’t help making Sonic run faster than my brain can process and lose control of him, to the point where I don’t realize he’s doomed until it happens.  It does get frustrating, but I’ll get through it.  I just need fresh fingers, which means I need to start playing the game with this stage.